He who we don’t name… did you all know he’s been MIA from the Senate since December? And there’s no news on when he’ll return. Either the dude is hiding somewhere & terrified, or maybe he’s already dead, or he’s using his been using his health as a cover already as an excuse to not seek re-elect (and possibly to fake his own death?) I always wondered who undergoes cancer treatment and keeps all their hair? https:// www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/powerpost/uncertainty-about-mccains-future-fuels-gop-questions-about-senate-seat/2018/04/03/7c8be3cc-3762-11e8-acd5-35eac230e514_story.html#scso=uid_TdvFWqquING-tQWxvZeIAg_0:0