Wouldn't the Guard house have some kind of log for admittance?? They might ask "Who are you here to see?" At least it would prove someone was on the grounds.
I don't know what to make of Mueller. I know he was a highly decorated Marine. If YOU were surrounded by this cabal, in every agency, media, even the President, what would you do? What if your family was threatened?
I think what I might do is try to be the least compromised while noting every corrupt act with my mouth shut to live another day to fight the fight when the battle is winnable.
He was probably trying to warn us the best he could and was killed for it.
I was watching live TV when the second plane hit. At first it didn't register because I was thinking it must be video playback plus the thought was frankly unimaginable. I was watching CNBC.
I forgot to add the plane was banking hard to the left into the building. I also remember a witness who was in the building talking about seeing the plane headed toward the building. I am not sure if that was in reference to the first strike or the second.