Anonymous ID: 3b9afd May 8, 2020, 9:25 p.m. No.9089042   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Partial Summary Update Jennifer Williams Transcript


Pg 14 Jennifer William states she works closely with NSC colleagues LT Colonel Alex Vindman, which she describes as her counterpart, Dr. Fiona Hill, Tim Morrison. State Department contacts are Asst Secretary George Kent, Deputy Assistant Secretary Phil Reeken.

Pg 15 Jennifer Williams states she was not on the April 21 st., phone call President Trump had with President Zelensky. She did read a transcript of the call in preparation of V.P. Pence's call 2 days later on April 23rd. She stated it was a relatively brief call between POTUS and Zelensky focused on congratulating him on his victory in the Presidential Election which had taken place on that day. They spoke of looking foward to a good working relationship.

Pg 16 When asked if there where any discussions of investigations into Burisma, Bidens, Jennifer Williams stated "there was not" She stated she prepped V.P. Pence for his call with Zelensky which she did participate in, she stated that the phone call was simaliar to President Trump's call. They spoke of the importance of the Ukraine-U.S. relationship and how eager we were to see President Zelensky take steps to implement the agenda he ran on, which was focused on anti corruption. Also discussion of Trump & Pence attending his inauguration, but date had not been set.

Pg 17 Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, prepared President Trump's briefing papers for his call with Zelensky.

Pg 19 General Kellogg's role in preparing the calls: He was present for the call with V.P. Pence and well as the pre breifing and reviews the talking points that Jennfier Williams prepared. States that V.P. Pence speaks to General Kellogg quite frequently (daily) she is not often not there for those engagements. She also states that General Kellogg speaks with POTUS quite frequently though she has never been to the oval for those conversations.


Pg 22 She is only vaguely familiar with Abassador Yovanovitch, she participated in a couple of interagency policy committee meetings with her via video teleconference. She listened to her updates from the post. She has never met her directly. She states speaking with Fiona Hill and Vindman about her removal. She states it was more the opinion of Dr. Hill what a shame it was to remove her, as she had an upstanding career. Most of what she knew was from the media, she wasn't aware of any reason she would be recalled for cause. Seems that most of what she knows about Ukraine Corruption, comes from media..which she would leave for V.P. Pence to review.

Pg 38 Jennifer Williams states she was told by Marc Short (Pence COS) on April 21st, day of President Trump's call with Zelensky that he would be attending his inaugaration. On May 13th, (actual date still not set at that time) V.P. Pence was asked by President Trump, not to attend the Inauguration of President Zelensky, Jennifer Williams didn't know why. We do know that Lt. Col.Vindman was at the Inauguration as he is pictured there with him May 20th. Pg 39 Ambassodor Gordan Sondland (UK) also a delagate attended this event. Debreifing took place on May 23rd.'' Not clear if Vindman was in the Oval for it.

Pg 55 Okay. When did you first learn of the hold on Ukraine security assistance U.S. security assistance to Ukraine? I believe it was July 3rd, I saw an email or I suppose, a written update,electronically, that was drafted by Alex Vindman, responding – internally reporting that the State Department had notified him that OMB was not clearing the latest round of congressional notification documents to move the next tranche of security assistance for Ukraine. Distribution of the email was just within NSC Europe Team. The update indicated that OMB was holding the assistance in order to conduct a further review to ensure that the security assistance was still in line with administration priorities. Q And you said that email was in preparation fon a nightly update to the national security advisor? That's right. That's John Bolton? Correct.


This portion of the transcript is the Democratic Attorney questioning Williams