Anonymous ID: d3be52 May 8, 2020, 6:27 p.m. No.9087193   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>9086589 pb

Samantha Power

(October 13, 2017)



Begins by outright presumption of Russian election interference, like all of the opposition. She was "basically trying to sound the alarm in advance of the election." Says the states were "penetrated," heh. No evidence cited.


Tons of BS about wearing muh dual hats (NSC & UN).


States "Russia is my prime obstacle." An extremely elevated view of her position in the world, consistent with her later reference to a gap between UN Ambassadors as an "interregnum." Really? Are you kidding? Queen eh?


Sooooo concerned about US security–that she was very concerned about ISIL, you know, the one her disgusting lord & master started up.


Rooney probes hard for "collusion."


So concerned about those filthy dirty Russian diplomats, more 2 hats crapola.


She had "an eye to outfoxing the Russians." How'd that work out, peaches?


Claims she reads reports the size of Encyclopedia Britannica every day. Riiiiight.


Gowdy asks questions about unmasking. Calls her "the largest unmasker of U.S. persons in our country's history."


Gowdy wants to know her calculus for unmasking (deminimization). Never really answers, talks in circles, yadda blah. Schiff comes in and tries to give her cover.


Oh no, she's not political, she reps all Americans.


Says she can't recall 3 times, about Flynn talking to Russian Ambassador.


Strangely, says, "I never discussed it with another member of the human race."


She never leaked squat.


They try to get to how many she unmasked, she downplays the number without naming it.


Softball question about her UN staff.


Dodges question about how many times she requested info on Trump.


Admits she has no evidence of collusion while bobbing & weaving from Gowdy, who says she requested intel 217 times on weak grounds.


Claims no memory of US company she bird dogged.


Michelle Sison named.


SP implies that she is a military strategist, heh.


Swallowswell tries to get evidence of Russian interference, and she goes on about "shameless lying," something she would have no experience with, of course.


More circle jerk between Swallowswell & Power.


Stefanik fruitlessly tries to get numbers out of Power.


Swalwell wants her "opinion" of Trump, more circle jerk.


Conaway gets nothing pertinent out of her.

Anonymous ID: d3be52 May 8, 2020, 6:34 p.m. No.9087295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7356


Thank you, appreciate it. If you make the next one, too, could you please make clear in the name what the documents are? Declassified Secret Transcripts from Intel Hearings or something descriptive like that? We did this with the FBI Vault of the Finders document dump. Accurate and draws eyes and help. What was that bastard Schiff hiding from us? We want to know and now we can!


In the meantime I'm gong to repost here what has been collected from the General threads so far, put into txt files I'm not going to type up screenshots though) with their corresponding original post numbers.


Thank you.

Anonymous ID: d3be52 May 8, 2020, 6:55 p.m. No.9087519   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No problem, appreciate the help! I think we can fill one thread with all of the notes -those are a lot of transcripts to get though and some are quite long. They were hidden for a reason.

Anyway, thank you.

Anonymous ID: d3be52 May 8, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.9087547   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>9085244 (pb)

So I read the Lynch interview, 97 page document. Same crapola as when she repeatedly told Congress she couldn't recall. "Loretta Lynch “appeared to have amnesia” during her Congressional testimony in December one official told investigative reporter Sara Carter." We recall though, LL, your charade.


So this interview was a whole lot of the same. Starting with being asked if she made any changes to Holter's "rules and regulations" in United States Attorneys Manuals. The answer: "I don't recall whether I made any alterations or not." Sure, sure she didn't remember that eentsy weentsy detail. And on from there.


"I don't have any recollection."


"I don't recall with specificity."


"I am not able to pin that down with specificity."


"I don't recall the specificity of the language."


"I don't recall these discussions with specificity."


"I don't recall discussions about those specifics."


"I don't have a recollection of that being briefed up to me."


And when she did answer, she would sometimes throw in the weasel words, "I believe."


Meanwhile, the fellow weasel AS relentlessly tried to find any possible word, any angle, remotely suggesting Trump/Russia. Disgusting. With the constant premise hammered that the DNC was hacked.


Pretty clear what went on there. If she could not remember these things, then she had zero business being AG. Of course, she didn't have any business being AG, but unrelated to her amnesia bouts.


So a theoretical Q&A to Elephant Legs: Q: Did Slick Willie offer you SC? A: I don't recall.

Anonymous ID: d3be52 May 8, 2020, 6:59 p.m. No.9087567   🗄️.is 🔗kun


November 30, 2017)

>>9084808 part 1

>>9084816 part 2

>>9084907 part 3

Part 1


Present Conaway, King, LoBiondo, Rooney, Ros-Lehtinen, Turner, Wenstrup, Stewart, Crawford, Gowdy, Stefanik, Quigley, Swalwell, Castro, Heck, Hurd, Schiff, Himes, Speier.


Also, Rep Calvert.


Schiff keeps trying to get Prince to say he played a role in the Trump campaign. He didn’t. He knows Bannon and occasionally sent unsolicited papers on ME policy ideas.


Focus of interview on 1/11/2017 meeting Prince had in Seychelles.


“Reportedly” he went as an unofficial rep of Trump, to which Prince said he did not.


Met with UAE’s Prince Mohammed Bin Zayal at the Prince’s behest, who then suggested EP meet with Kirill Dmitriev, a hedge fund manager from Russia.


They met for 20min max at the behest of the Emeratis he just met with.


Prince’s entire reason for being called was due to a WaPo article that he represented POTUS team when meeting this Russian.


Prince then BTFO’s the committee with this…


“What really bothers me and what I would hope the Intel Com. Is doing is questioning why Americans that were caught up in waves of signals intel, why on Earth would the WaPo be running an article on any meeting that a private citizen, me, was having in a foreign country? That’s illegal. That is a political abuse of the intel infrastructure. And that is really dangerous, esp as this committee and the Congress thinks about reauthorizing very wide ranging intel authorities to dig into Americans’ electronic comms of any sort. That’s what I have an issue with.”


Then, Rep Rooney asks if Prince has any input about leaks of Classified intel that took place related to the Intel Community assessment of these matters, to which Prince BTFO’s them again…


“The only way the WaPo ran an article months after the meeting was because it was provided by someone in the govt to them. Okay? And there’s no valid reason for that. That is a leak of Intel info, signals info, of private citizens, Americans, moving around abroad. So there is no question, a leak of your intel to an outside party.


When asked if Prince knows who provided that leak…


“I’ve seen reports it was members of the Obama NSC.”


Schiff then takes over questioning and backs his own ass into a corner trying to get Prince to admit he spoke to Nunes to prepare for his hearing.


Kash Patel contacted Prince to meet with Nunes, but not to prepare for this hearing.


“I talked to Chairman Nunes… as part of the investigation into the UNMASKING of intel on Americans.”




Part 2


Schiff- “So do you have records, from your stay in Seychelles to help us identify where you were staying?”


Prince- I don’t know. I think your friends at the WaPo reported it as the Four Seasons but I don’t even remember if that was correct.”




Schiff- “Is it your view that the presence of a Russian state banker was a mere coincidence? Or was this why the UAE invited you to the Seychelles?”




Schifty keeps pressing this as Prince being a Trump rep meeting a Russian which Prince debunks completely.


Seriously anons, this is hilarious.


Part 3


Schiff- “So you were headed to the bar to meet Mr Dmitriev. How did you identify him.”


Prince- “I remember Googling his name and found the guy that looked like the picture.”


Schiff- “What did the Prince tell you about him?”


Prince- “That he runs a hedge fund in Russia.”


Schiff- “And what did you learn when you Googled him?”


Prince- “That he ran a hedge fund in Russia.”


Schiff- “Is it state backed?”


Prince- “I don’t know. I just looked at the picture. I was roaming, so data roaming is expensive when you’re overseas.”





Anonymous ID: d3be52 May 8, 2020, 7 p.m. No.9087582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4195

Interview Transcript of Christopher Wylie

(April 25, 2018)

>>9086147 (pb)

WYLIE: The other advantage of having Cambridge Analytica in the United States was that, at least to my knowledge – so I am not a U.S. elections law or finance expert, so you need to consult an expert on that, but my understanding was that an advantage of having a company that services campaigns is that if you are the shareholder of that company, when you invest money into that company, it does - it's not counted in elections reporting as a campaign donation, because you are an owner of a company investing more resources or capital into that company.


So it created a vehicle whereby you could do a


lot of research and development, ultimately for the benefit of your preferred campaigns, but it wasn't a reportable campaign donation because when you're investing in a company you're an investor.


MR. QUIGLEY: So you've heard the expression "shell company," right?




MR. QUIGLEY: Would you refer to Cambridge as that?


MR. WYLIE: In a - so I'm not sure if that


word has a specifically legal meaning in the United States, but in the sort of general parlance sense -




MR. WYLIE: - yes, I think that would be a


completely fair assessment.