The fact that "distinction" parses out as "D is stink tie-on" leaves me with some reservations, Q. Kek.
The fact that "distinction" parses out as "D is stink tie-on" leaves me with some reservations, Q. Kek.
Regarding the math [addition] in your prior post, does toilet bombiing commence today?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. It must be controled.
ANy more, I'm always looking for alternate, deeper meanings to everything.
Do "99%" and "truth" and "hospital" even mean what we think in the context of your drops?
First mention of [4am] talking points, by [possibly flawed] quickie search. Given your prior drops tonight, I wonder if this is soon relevant. Innteresting delta.
"gettin off scot free" at precisely 35 seconds.
video related
listen carefully
"Scot Free- JFK board game"