You have a single fact to back that up?
Take advantage of all the people traveling from China for the chink new year celebration?
Most gays were abused as children.
Hence the saying that gays reproduce by diddling kids.
Have a nuclear-tier redpill about gays.
Shit, some day we'll see headlines inspired by CDDA.
>Only nerd rogue-like RPG fans will understand what I mean.
And if you want to learn how deliberate the tactics used by the cabal were for normalizing the LGBT crap with the help of the Jewish media, read pics related.
Judaism is based on racial supremacism, approves of pedophilia and forces parents to commit child abuse in the form of genital mutilation via forced circumcision.
They planned this shit, they know how to prevent getting sick, and if they get sick, they know how to cure themselves.
Perhaps she's afraid to get taken in (because in current location she can evade whitehats trying to take her into custody because of some type of tactical advantage), or taken out by the cabal (lose ends getting dealt with).
More like Chief Faggot Correspondent, am I right?
And gives the cabal an excuse to have their gangstalking network operating in the open.
But Q, if we don't all play along with the scam, how are the Israelis going to sell their (((vaccines))) so they can make 6 quadrillion shekels?
Tell her to vote for Trump.