Okay, the Pentagon released the Unidentified Flying Object footage of a craft accelerating from 0 to like 10,000 mph (or however fast) in a couple seconds.
Then maintains that speed and can make right angle turns and just keep on going like no big deal.
Disappears off radar and pops up miles away in seconds.
Now, if that technology exists, regardless of whether it is off planet extra-terrestrials or if it human owned technology, what the fuck are we still developing rockets for?
Regardless of the origins of the tech, it still exists and is being used on our planet.
That is technology that will bring us to other solar systems within the Milky Way and to neighboring galaxies.
Barely anyone cares about it.
The technology exists, the Pentagon knows about it, most likely has it in possession.
That tech would put airlines out of business overnight.
Based on its power source, it would put the gas and oil industry out of business.
We would be able to travel across the country in a matter of seconds or minutes.
We could zip to the moon and to mars and wherever else we wanted to and it be no big deal.
Why does it seem like no one cares about this?
The Pentagon is admitting that the tech exists.