Anons, is there fukkery afoot either with testing or targeting?
It seems fairly obvious that [they] are now attempting to link any chance of reopening the Country with the wholesale testing and contact tracing of the entire Nation. While this unsupported rationale flies in the face of the consensus opinion of a number of experts advocating that the proven process pf "herd immunity" be allowed to play out, [they] are hell bent on imposing wholesale testing and contact tracing as a prerequisite to reopening.
While it is reasonable to believe that the "herd immunity" phenomenon will win out here, and already has based on preliminary results in a number of counties and states, there is a disturbing uptick in the number of high profile infections which suggests the possibility that [they] have either weaponized the virus against targeted V.I.P.s or have weaponized the testing process itself (See Tanzanian goat and paw-paw). It should even be considered that [they] have done both.
These possibilities jumped out at me after reading a piece in The Atlantic [know thy enemy] entitled:
"There’s One Big Reason Why the U.S. Economy Can’t Reopen - The Country faces the same problem today it did two months ago: There are not enough tests to contain the virus"
Not only is does the title of the piece telegraph [their] strategy to hinder and delay the re-opening of the Country, a POTUS quote in the article hints that POTUS and Co. may already be on to [their] game [no surprise]:
…."In recent days, President Trump has seemed skeptical of the utility of tests, even though White House employees are tested for the virus every day. After Katie Miller, a member of Vice President Mike Pence’s staff, tested positive for the virus today, Trump said that the result illustrated why “the whole concept of tests aren’t necessarily great.”
“She was tested very recently and tested negative, and today I guess, for some reason, she tested positive,” the president said.
Here it comes, anons:
“The tests are perfect, but something can happen between a test, where, it’s good, and then something happens, and then all of a sudden…” He did not finish his thought."….
We have to ask ourselves: 1) why the Dems are pushing wholesale testing? 2) why are a disproportionate number of V.I.P.s testing positive?, and, last 3) what was POTUS hinting at with his statement above?
A logical inference from all of the above is that certain V.I.P.s are either being intentionally infected or are being tested with false-positive "Paw-Paw Test Kits". We know that the original test kits were discovered to be either pre-infected or were defective in indicating false-positive results. Since this was [their] original plan what is preventing this fukkery from re-
If the Dems succeed in pushing mass testing, and if the above inference is true, the foreseeable result could be a never-ending loop of false infections with the Country remaining shuttered.
An effective solution to the above impasse would be the wholesale testing of the Nation's Paw-Paw supply. If that doesn't satisfy the Dems, then fuk 'em.