Good morning and thank you baker.
Oh because her being "about 36" negates that prescient moment caught in time for all to see? You're a mouth breathing faggot that needs to neck themselves.
Your projection is strong. Don't you have any scrolls you should be reading? Fuck off nigger.
You said it not me glownigger.
God I love you planefags! Have a blessed day. Y'all fuk'n rule!
07 anon. Good morning. Tis' a beautiful day!
Your shill-fu is really, really weak buddy. Get some of your glow-nigger buddies to chime in. It'll help what you're attempting to do look a bit more organic. Afterwards you can be the pivot man in y'alls lil cirlce jerk.
Awww look a lil fud spreader.
Kill it with fire.
Please poast a shittier pic.