King of kings (999)
Jon James Pratt
Be truthful anons.
Here come the mandatory vaccines too.
Tbh I never thought Americans were this stupid.
Brits definitely.
Doesn’t take a genius to figure out who is telling the truth here, does it?
Yet so many of you are still on twitter, pushing the deceitful claim that Donald Trump is anointed by God Almighty himself.
He isn’t. And never will be.
And by refusing to acknowledge the real source of the storm, your dopey disrespectful president has not only betrayed the American people, but God Almighty too.
The royals here will have to give up the two old cunts at the top too.
Or it will be the whole family.
Zero negotiations or deals.
And Bibi is absolutely ruined too.
All of you chose to run the gauntlet.
And all of you have allowed this situation (killer virus and impending martial law) because all of you have put being American above being human.
Be truthful Americans.
Those 500 or so members of Congress are some of the biggest cunts in the world, and have betrayed all of you.
And by the mass media (((twitter))) framing a global holy war as an essentially American affair, highly polarised too, you have all been screwed by an essentially Jewish media.
The special talent of yours truly is to reduce the whole global power structure to a beam of light.
And that’s what the big pdf is..
And no, I’m not a prophet like Jesus (777), I’m God Almighty manifest in a human being. (999)
That’s why I’m completely separated from my knowledge.
The big 2,238 page pdf
Just two rituals hold the whole global power structure in place.
Divine in design, obviously.
The original mandate for 11.11.18
(The shot heard around the world)
Obviously scrubbed from (((twitter))) now.
Was for yours truly to align the Commonwealth with Russia, USA and Israel. (90% of the world’s nuclear weapons) (the ‘winners’)
Dawkins and Hillary as the offering.
A return to nation states too.
With the kings and Queens being the losers.
And Israel being both the winner (Bibi) and the loser (mass media) .
With the prize being world peace and the knowledge of other worlds.
The eternal life mentioned in the bible. Yes.
But instead, as a direct consequence of playing at online light workers, the vile and deceitful cunts here, with the undying assistance of two violent and deceitful geriatrics (parents) thought it was without consequences to lock yours truly up for 3 weeks, then 7 weeks, force feed him medication and leave an extremely fit and tough (violently abused as a child) 48 year old former professional Bmx freestyler with a broken back, a heavily lacerated stomach and prone to shakes and fainting fits.
If you are so blind to not see the truth when it is staring you in the face Americans, then you deserve to be locked up and forcibly vaccinated by your politicians..
Because that is exactly what is going to happen if you continue the charade on twitter.
You will all get further and further away from the truth.
Knowingly too.
That’s what makes it worse.
You see, I may have been born in England, but I had to relinquish my nationality when I was given a guided tour around 13 pizza ovens on the 1st January 2017.
The real pizzagate. Yes.
These politicians represent none of you, America, and never have done. Ever.
But because it was deemed more important to fake an American holy war rather than acknowledge the real winner in the global holy war, Team Israel, Team USA and team Britain have already dug a hole for themselves, that they will never get out of.
Sure many of you feel cheated.
You’re not the only one.
And yes, I have been to America many times, have many cousins there, been to Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, Florida and California.
Always had an amazing time. Been for bmx competitions too. Been in the Appalachian mountains and south central LA too. Eaten cold beans out of a boat on the swamp. You get the picture.
And no, i’m not perfect either, but some of my knowledge is.
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. 130 Mb
Every single entry date and time stamped.
Kills the poor hurt feelings and opinions of individual humans dead.
Jon James Pratt (999)
49 year old illuminated polymath from Warwickshire
Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher
Never lies and is never violent. Ever
Aka 'the storm ☔️'
Aka ‘cosmic lol 😂’