Don't be so hard on yourself, anon. Everyone has different abilities and talents. Digging may not be one of yours but you can help in other ways.
Have you tried baking? There is a class each Thursday just for that and even an area where you can practice before 'going live.' Experienced bakers will train and guide you, and help you as you go.
Have you tried making memes or other graphics?
There are some good free programs out there like Gimp (free program like Photoshop) and Inkscape (free program like Illustrator) or you can use online sites like imageflip or memegenerator
Do you have social accounts you can 'spread the joy' and help us with Meme Warfare?
In the Memes thread at the top there are always resources helpful to setting up and using social media accounts and there is an extensive Meme Library for you to choose your ammo.
Have you tried archiving?
It's very easy to copy a link in the catalog of the General threads and plop that link into the red box at archive.today and there's a huge amount of General threads that haven't been archived, so help is always appreciated.
Would you like to help me fill up the dedicated thread for what anons found in the transcripts last night here >>9086708 ?? I'm just going through the notables and copypasta that info into posts there. I would dearly love some help (and big thank you to those who are helping right now!!)
Wearethene.ws is what I am using so I dont' have to actually go to old threads. Just click on the notable and voila!
What ever you decide, just try something and you'll probably find there is something that you not only like to do but are good at it.
When we work together we win.
>Not a career or a way to financially gain.
Yes exactly. I wish I could vote for you & your brother!!