Day old Bread
He was ruining things for HRC. Not enough time for her to claim residence another state. What might we be like if he had lived. Two lost opportunities to have turned this bitch around. Posted in this thread cuz we need to remember-Third time is a fucking charm
by Ruby Henley
I know John Kennedy Jr. has been dead for years, but I have never really been satisfied with the fake news stories of his demise. I decided to investigate it myself; thus, here are my findings. It is a blatant assassination, and it should be known to every American.
The United States of America lost a hopeful future when we lost the Kennedy family, who had bravely embarked upon bringing us that future. The Kennedy family represented American liberty for those of us, who were alive during the JFK Presidency. We were proud and in love with this new President and his beautiful family.
When JFK was assassinated under circumstances, which those aligned with the truth, sensed were concocted lies; in my opinion, that was the beginning of the “truth movement.” It, also, marked the beginning of the end for the United States of America.
JFK’s murder began the political extinction of the Kennedy family and their sacrifice to America, as they became the sacrificial lambs to a Legion of Luciferians. On July 16, 1999 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr., his wife, Carolyn Bessette, and her sister, Lauren, all lost their lives on a plane trip to Martha’s Vineyard to attend the wedding of a Kennedy cousin.
The most critical piece of evidence to support an assassination is the fact that a search for the missing plane was delayed for 5 hours. In actuality a beacon begins sending out signals immediately after a plane crash, and John Kennedy Jr.’s did the same. Why did it take so long for the search to begin, and why did it take so long for the wreckage to be found?