Mueller better HOPE he made a deal with Trump. Or else, curtains.
Libtardism is a progressive mental disease. See Olbermann, Keith.
No plaintiff, no case!
Bet Gary told him, I took care of it, Boss, you aint gotta do nuttin or know nuttin.
OK, buddy, thanks.
Add the increased Border Patrol, construction crews with their security, newly-supported local sheriffs, Boom! Aint that America. Little pink houses for you and me.
I stopped watching when he couldnt stop whining about youtube censorship. Youtube censorship is not fucking news to anyone, and it's a private platform with terms of service and it can boot you for any reason. That may change legally, but dont hold your breath.
She'll be in the news when the judge whacks her and her lawyer bigly.
Smoking bud on cam is for amateurs.
Federica Wilson,is that you?
Muslam is a religion of peace though.
Shep's fake and gay. Also a faggot.
We shall triumph over internet censorship over all platforms! Trust the plan. Qasim
An investigation means nothing "happened." Waste of time. You cant prove this assclown's crimes? Get better lawyers.
Just. Send. Nudes.
NavySealThreatFag is waiting for you. Chan Justice is swift.
Thanks for killing LAIMfag.
Corsi is very good. An accomplished scholar and author who came to fame for his book on John Kerry during the "swiftboating" of that crook. He also did great work on the Bongo citzenship issues.