Also, bear in mind that Pope Benedict– Francis' predecessor– was the first Pope to step down in ~600 years, rather than die as the head of the Vatican. So after the schism, and later after Vatican II, the legitimacy of the occupant of the Throne of St. Peter was further challenged when we arrived at the point where we have two "Popes" alive at the same time– "Pope" Francis, and "Pope Emeritus" Benedict. Btw, doctrinally speaking, the two men couldn't have been more different in regards to their interpretation of Church dogma. Francis' outlook, including his possible statement re: unrepented souls disappearing rather than going to an actual hell completely flies in the face of traditional church dogma, something that Benedict was known to voraciously defend. If you're interested in this kind of thing, look up a book called AA-1025, it is absolutely fascinating and shines a light on the communist and atheist infiltration of the Catholic Church that has brought us Francis.
t. Catholicfag