Biden Sold Out America to China While Working for Hollywood
“Some of you were there. Literally when by end of that lunch we had a handshake,” Biden boasted to the MPAA. “The next year the number of blockbuster foreign films showing in China has increased by over half and our share of the box office revenue has doubled — or your share of the box office revenue has doubled.”
“Keep me in mind for Chris [Dodd’s]* assistant later,” he joked.
Biden understandably lost track of the difference between “your share” and “our share” because Hollywood has been a reliable fundraising machine for Biden. What was good for Hollywood was also good for Biden. Katzenberg got Oriental Dream Works, a $330-million joint venture with the PRC, and eventually hosted Biden’s first Southern California fundraiser which brought in $700K.
2012 was a big year for the adulterous nuptials of Hollywood and the Chinese Communist Party.
A few months after the meeting between Biden and Xi, China’s Wanda Group bought AMC Theaters for $2.6 billion. The Wanda Group, run by a billionaire Communist oligarch with close ties to regime officials, is working on a Communist theme park, and its investors allegedly include Xi’s sister. Beyond just owning the theaters, Wanda owns the Legendary Group which has a hand in a long list of movies from Spike Lee’s BlacKKKlansman, to Pokemon, along with the King Kong and Jurassic Park sequels.
The only reason Hollywood movies can play in China is because the Communist leadership directly profits from them and controls what goes into them, either directly through ownership, or by forcing the industry to submit scripts for the approval of its Communist censors. HUAC would be superfluous today. The big studios who make up the MPAA are all working for the Communists. And they’re proud of it.