Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 12, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.9142731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4176



>I wonder what triggered the 80 + posters on the last couple of breads..

Why the fuck do they have to shit up our comfy place?


I think it was those good digs anons were doing with the London surveillance pics. And the Papadopoulis street views and conversation going on. Someone sent that shill just for this UK thread. You are “over the target” anons. Look how close the LCILP was set up to the Australian High Commision/Australian Embassy is. Btw, the LCILP is not labeled(anymore?)at that address. Had to do a specific address search for the addy on High Holburm.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 12, 2020, 2:18 p.m. No.9144782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6817 >>7044 >>2213 >>2256 >>4829


Well, I put in a call to dig in General thread. But can UK anons help with what were the exact dates that Winter Wonderland was open for Winter 2015/2016? We might like to start comparing when Downer was in London. Throw in Steele and Halper in for good measure but if you think of anyone else who was in London at the time, chime in please. Am calling for a dig on this anons. In this together.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 13, 2020, 3:34 a.m. No.9152612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5427 >>5514


Hey anon, good to see you back. You’ve done a great job confirming the red-bus pic(from construction on building in background) as being in the same timeframe as the Piccadilly Station pics which are also confirmed to be from Winter 203/2014. I think we agree on that. But, I think the Winter Wonderland pics as well as the Embankment/Corinthia Hotel/Traffic cam pics have been determined by anons to be from Winter 2015/2016, I think, due to the color of blue used on the London Eye and the green band on Big. Ben. As regards the Winter Wonderland pics, Q drops in Q post #1456, a twat from POTUS about STZROK and PAGE “counterintelligence opetation”saying Spygate goes back to December 2015 along with a pic of some people at Winter Wonderland. Now having said that, it could be a bit of Q disinformation leading one to assume the pic attached is from 2015 just because the twat mentions December 2015.

Anon, I see you are saying that WW pics are from Winter 2013/2014? Are you sure? Did you mention something about the placement of the well-known carousel near the Wilde Maus rollercoaster? Are you saying the layout of WW changes each year and that the Q surv pics can’t be from Winter 2015? Because regardless of dates(and I do think we need tp be careful not to assume timeframes, if unverifiable) I think POTUS did mention December 2015 for a reason. Below the pic, Q says, “Tweet meant to provide time guide.” And later, “Provides Timeframe.”


Something else I want to mention.

Did Q meantion time of day in the embankment pics? Why? Maybe a UK anon can describe traffic as heavy or light? Maybe an event has just ended?

Also, as to the couple in the WW pic, can you show some pics of Stzrok and Page to compare? Am not seeing Stzrok or Page. Have my own ideas on who and where people might be. But it’s more important we agree on timeframes right now. Setting aside differences as to who is in the photos, I think we have at least 2, maybe 3 different dates involved.

One date in Winter 2013/2014. And two from Winter 2015/2016, the Embankment vs. WW, maybe different nights due to different pants shown on a person anons (but I may disagree, barring a wardrobe change) think is Stzrok.

And in light of transcripts being released of late, let’s start thinking who was in London for these pics. For instance, I’ve said Flynn went to a Cambridge dinner in Feb. 2014(it’s within the timeline of the PS pics. None of those photos have Stzrok or Page in the titles. But one of the Embankment photos has Page’s name on it.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 14, 2020, 6:35 a.m. No.9168122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6896


>Q's LISAMI6 pic matched MAY 2014 but not JUL 2014. Other open source vids and pics from different angles show the same thing.

>So the Embankment pics Q dropped were not taken in the winter of 2015/2016. These were taken before JUL 2014 – that is, before the winter of 2014/2015.


You know, anon we are what they say “off the map” as regards established accepted Qresearch dogma on these London pics digs. But, as Q says, you just have to show people.

You still have to convince me as to the Winter Wonderland pics. But some thoughts on the Lisa/MI6 pic(s). We have to remember that Lisa Page was working for the FBI before Crossfire Hurricane and other related Crossfire cases came along. She may have travelled to London on her own, and maybe with other FBI agents on other investigations. There are other FBI “legal” experts as well, such as Michael Gaeta, Christopher Steele’s handler. Btw can’t find on my own any pics of Gaeta who, as coincidence would have it, has taught at the LINK Campus in Rome where MIFSUD taught. Different timeline though.

Also, since we are “off the map” as to the Spygate as it relates ro Trump, we need to start thinking about who else was being spied on during the timeframe of Winter 2013/2014. I can only think of the Flynn situation before DJT even decided to run for POTUS. Trump only announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015. Though there is some chance word may have gotten out after Trump quizzed Newt Gingrich in January of 2015 on the intricacies of running a presidential campaign and who he might like to hire if he were to run. But we are still outside Trump’s campaign. These goings on in London are still a part of the Q collection of intrigue though. Not to discount any other possibility, the pics might involve Hussein spying on his own DIA chief, Flynn. It fits the timeline, and Gina’s hair color maybe? I know other anons have looked at that traffic cam pic and jumped on that being NO NAME with the (white hair?). But maybe…(see pics related)

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 14, 2020, 8:37 a.m. No.9169561   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I found an interesting Qincidence. It may be a Q clue. But I was wondering about the Q drop where he caps a previous Q drop dated Feb 16, 2018. Q says to note the cars and time of day and compare with 2/16/18. Why would the time of day be important in a traffic pic except that certain times of day have more traffic. And, since Q was basically reposting an old post- it is for emohasis. So, looking up “London 2/16/18” brought up an event that occurs every year in London for 4 days around that time- London Fashion Week. AND, it takes place just up the road from the CORINTHIA. And, it would quite probably be a cause of traffic- which one can see headed in that direction on the traffic cam. Is Q hinting at a date for our EMBANKMENT pics? (See pics related.) 2/16/14?

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 15, 2020, 3:09 p.m. No.9191071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1121 >>4885 >>7772


Located some caps of newspaper articles from Hull announcing the fact of repairs planned for the TATTERSHALL CASTLE. Feel free to use them if you wish in your vids. They are good to establish a general time when repairs began.

Btw did you see my post re Q initially posting a traffic cam pic on 2/16/18 under the guise of warning the UK to keep alert. This allowed Q, when he posted the remainder of the embankment pics to say, “Compare against 2.16.18.” Anon, is it possible this would be akin to an old-fashioned lady’s “hankerchief drop.” Meaning she really didn’t drop her hankerchief. She did want you to pick it up though. What do you think? You mentioned we might be getting deltas. Q tells us to note the time. Is it just to hint to us that the new pics “might” be taken at the same time. Have we really proven ourselves that stupid? That we wouldn’t have made the connection? Or, maybe, Q mentioned the time because of the cars on the road. UK London anons help please. Is the traffic in the pics on Victoria Embankment the usual evening traffic (looks like bumper-to-bumper) or is it unusually heavy for evening. And, the cars on the congested lane are heading toward the London Fashion Week venue. Could it be a Q clue. Posted pics/map above but had no response. It just seems too tantalizingly close to the fact that General Flynn was invited to that intelligence dinner by Halper at Cambridge. It would fit. Is that normal evening traffic heading toward 180 Strand?

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 15, 2020, 11:06 p.m. No.9196807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7229


Dammit Anon! Not sure why I was attached to the idea that somehow at least one of these London surveillance sequences would align with CROSSFIRE HURRICANE, et al. but dammit. Now we have got to look askance at some Q drops that say(or do they?) that it is Winter 2015/2016?


Have to rethink everything about these pics and even WHY? Now what are they about? We will have to focus on news and people in the news from late 2013 to early 2014.




Why triple? Because Anon has changed the narrative on 3 separate Q surveillance pic drops.

We now must rethink who we see as a blurry face in these pics. Great job anon! No one else had the tenacity to really look at the pics except anon who did LG-G2 dig. Looking forward to when drop this in the Main Bread. I want to be there. Well it’s back to the drawing board.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 16, 2020, 1:28 a.m. No.9197603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3211


>Iran Nuclear Deal

Yup. Was just gonna start looking into that. The Sec.State is now John Kerry. 2012-2016. Lisa Page is still at the FBI but worked for someone else- can’t remem right now. That’s another thread Q left us to pull. Gonna start checking the news for February 2014(just my guess for now).

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 16, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.9202990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4679 >>7273


>I saw you guys were looking at the 2015/16 WW,


Yes, but anon was debunking our previous belief that WW was 2015/2016 from the placement of the observation wheel seen in the Q pic. Appareently, WW does not adhere to a set floor plan for placement of the attractions, and the only year that lines up with Wilde Mause, the Double Carousel being next to it, as well as the Observation Wheel being visible BEHIND the Wilde Maus coaster is for the Winter 2013/2014. Reminds one of “Think map”.


>I assumed that the trip to London by the two lovers would have been done in 2016 after trump won in November to try to convince the security


All of us did, anon. We now have to go back and look at those drops and ask ourselves if Q really said that or did Q just allow us to misinterpret. An example would be Q posting POTUS’ tweet about STZROK and PAGE and saying they go back to December 2015, then Q appends a surv photo from Winter 2013/2014. It’s misleading but anyone here has already accepted that disinfo happens.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 16, 2020, 2:36 p.m. No.9203211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3995


Sorry, must correct myself re Lisa Page. Lisa only just joined the FBI in 2014. Before joining the bureau, she worked as a trial lawyer in the Organized Crime and Gang Section of the Justice Department’s Crime Division

that also dealt with international connections, and the DOJ may have tasked her to travel overseas.


So, if it really Lisa PAGE that Q is talking about in the Lisa/MI6 pic, then she may have been DOJ at the time.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 17, 2020, 7:15 p.m. No.9219015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9397 >>9420 >>0305


That is a great proof. Noticed you were using a 2015/2016 WW map. Think you should use a 2013/2014 map for orienting of the Obs. Wheel. Was looking today but only found a vid that I could only get a low res screen cap. But the layout is there and if you know what you are looking for in the ride descriptions you might be able to make out the number on the map.

Should we put out a call for dig on a WINTER WONDERLAND 2013 map? Some anon found that 2015 map after I asked anons for the favor. Or was that you? Anyway found these 2 items (see pics).


The vid with the map is at beginning of vid, thankfully. Maybe you can do a better screen cap of it than me. Must confess my issues with low res pics may be due to me phonefagging all of this.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 17, 2020, 8:08 p.m. No.9219632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9728


Not sure where you are going with this. But always thought LP had simply committed a kind literary faux pas by mixing a Latin word into the French version, name Vive le Resistance versus Viva la Resistancia. And that may be just what it is, maybe Q picked it up made it into s letter substitution puzzle, so that “[e]very senior position” becomes “[a] very senior position.” Is that where you are going?


Another idea why the tweet might significant and classified is the fact that in colleges, (and maybe the FBI?), there is such a thing as an oral exam or taking a test orally rather than written. Sometimes this is done for persons who have ADHD or speak English as a second language. Lisa, and others might be familiar with such an exam having gone to university and law school,(and maybe a government exam. The term to describe such an examination is a “viva”. This is short for “viva voce.”


Not sure is LP is all that cloak-and-dagger but “Viva Le Resistance” would take on a different meaning if it was codespeak. In that context, it might then be a call for a face-to-face (as Q likes to say-F2F) with the members of Le Resistance.

Just some thoughts.


Btw, who’s MH again?

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 17, 2020, 8:43 p.m. No.9219997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0069 >>0115


That sounds like a good plan. We can provide feedback. One item is that vid you show of them towing the TATTS. If you can put a date in that vid, and, for those of us not familiar with the Thames or the funnels, I think I now know the ouc that shows the funnel taken down and on deck is when they were headed to Hull right? Because when she returned, the funnel was painted different? Anyway, am trying to form theories about the “why” for the fsurv pics now. Of course, already mentioned Flynn at Cambridge in Feb. ‘14. But even an anon here above mentioned, we are also in the timeframe of the formulation of the Plan, three years in the making. The start date would be the overture to Trump and his agreement to take part I would imagine, in the months before he announced. 3 years before that? Okay, just using his 6/16/2015 announcement minus 3 years is June 2012. Makes one wonder if any of pics was [them] watching patriots. Just speculation. That’s all I’ve got. Other things that could be happening are U1 kind of stuff. But we keep hearing talk about them having committed treason and I’m starting to think it is something before Trump ran for POTUS.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 17, 2020, 8:48 p.m. No.9220069   🗄️.is 🔗kun


P.S. Agree with your use of “funnel” instead of “smokestack/stack” that I was using. It is the appropriate nautical term and you know we have quite a few Navy and Boatfags who will appreciate proper terminology.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 17, 2020, 9:03 p.m. No.9220247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0352


>Best effort in available time means multiple vids.


May I recommend three vids?:

1-Piccadilly station.

2-Winter Wonderland.



Avoid referring to any people as the people anons have already made assumptions about. As I said before. I think Q has allowed anons their assumptions and even used his response posts as further disinfo. At this point, I have wiped the drawing board clean. I am not even allowing myself to assume that LisaMI6 refers to Lisa Page.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 17, 2020, 9:38 p.m. No.9220537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3317 >>2106 >>2108


As discussed earlier. You are only trying to convince anons what the time frame(s) is/are. After that, anons will know that they need to connect different people who worked in different positions in the new timeframe. As you may guess, I like maps- to connect people who worked in different offices across London. This is unrelated(maybe) but did you notice that any American(or MI6) who wants to use public transport must go thru Vauxhall Station? I came across a story of a young man and his father from Germany or some Nordic county. Anyway, the kid was taking pictures of the architecture and was approached by the police who demanded he delete all his pictures in his phone. Such stories always get me thinking…wonder who he accidentally snapped a pic of. Well, Nite fren. Will return with any other thoughts.


Oh got distracted. A next project you might consider though is mapping the locations like I said.

Why Piccadilly? Why the Embankment? From where was the couple coming in those pics? You said the TATTS apoeared dark. So Q asked what time is it. They close at 10pm. Was a portion of the party idling there til the couple (notice I’m not saying it was PS and LS?)came to meet them after 10pm? The bars at the Corinthian remain open until midnight. WW also closes at 10pm. Were they going to the Corinthian because it was still open or were the meeting a “resident”? Lots of fun to be had digging. Well, g’nite fren.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 19, 2020, 9:02 p.m. No.9247698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8006 >>8030


It’s unfortunate Q has to tolerate this type and have to even respond. We have many posters who bring their personal baggage, insecurities and lack of impulse control with them, who are not ashamed to post when they are having a weak moment. Such bitching has become catchy.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 19, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.9247835   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is one of the more frustrating things for this anon. Agree that Q only responds when an issue is “on schedule” to be discussed. As an example, I could swear to talking about the “Durham” boats connection 2 years before Q decides to respond to an anon like it was the first ever time anons had made the connection. Oh well. However, my thoughts on Q drops is that If Q is not prepared that an immediate decode of a drop is possible, or that an immediate decode is dangerous for being then known, then Q should not have dropped it. And without hearing any instructions on the matter(another one of my frustrations) we need to assume all posts are to be dug with all possible haste. There. You got me started. Sound like I’m writing the Constitution or something. Short and sweet? Keep digging on anything you can.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 21, 2020, 4:22 a.m. No.9262275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2321 >>2353


Not sure if this can help you to decide on how to use the map/guides(that is spooky how close Q appears to be describing these guides) but I thought you might consider using arrows to line up the ride/landmarks. (See related pics/diagrams). Used one of the guides as an example.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 21, 2020, 4:33 a.m. No.9262321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2343 >>2365


This is a proof, using the TRIANGULATION METHOD to show the GUIDE (still tickled that Q used that word) pictured is NOT A MATCH for the WW surv pic. Because it shows the Double Decker Carousel to our left but the Wilde Mause Coaster should be directly in front of us when it is not.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 21, 2020, 4:43 a.m. No.9262365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2471 >>2861


This landmark features prominently in many WW 2013 vids and captures because it is nearby the OBS WHEEL and provides another point of reference. Although, your first choices to eliminate a GUIDE are the DBL DECKER CAROUSEL(being adjacent), with the OBS WHEEL behind the WILDE MAUS.. pic is of Obs Wheel and Spinner type ride which I believe is taken even on the right year- for WW 2013.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 21, 2020, 6:21 a.m. No.9262887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2893 >>2905 >>3047 >>9226


>What are the odds that open source vid has captured characters inside the London Pics?


You know, Boatfag and I kind of know each other. We did a really deep deep dig on the Bill Clinton Bayahibe/Casa de Campo dig. There is also a rich resort nearby where a friend in that picture of Bill and friends in the water lives. The resort/community is called La Romana. I lookef thru thousands of pics looking for yachts or large boats. From TripAdvisor. People post their family vacation photos. I found one posted by some Russian guy I think. Numeous points of conversion. Boat was orig from US. Was called Dream Weaver. Originally financed thru Dream Weaver Inc. There is a LAWYER who owns it. He is based out of Palm Beach and is an expert in maritime law. Jeffery Epstein lived in Palm Beach, Florida. The yacht’s chosen home port is George Town. The guy who owns a luxury home went to Georgetown University with Bill Clinton. So back to my point- but first, in the Plan it’s alleged that there are white hats even in Russia. So was it “left” there on open source? You never know if an “angel” has left a gift on open source somewhere.


>Looks promising but can't promise anything. Confirmation is hard work. May never be confirmed. Maybe Q will help guide when we've done as much and gone as far as we can alone.


I have considered this too. Out of all the things anons dig, like news articles, published docs etc, I think an acknowledgement of a surveillance photo is least likely. But you must know that this kind of digging is the closest thing to intelligence-type digging and, for me, is the most exciting. You have done some pretty darn good intelligence work here. Your reward? May be just knowing that you did it. You solved it. And othrr anons are gonna know it. Most important, is that if the pics are spoken of again by anons it will be with an added understanding that you gave to them. I was going to say that anyone can search a news article but, well not anyone but I just mean some open source is easier. What you have been doing here is a little of open source but I think more kinds deployed logic. Let me see if I have that pic I spoke of. And Casa de Campo is back in discussion I see. The yacht is currently in Tarragona, Spain out of the water.

Sorry to digress but I wanted to talk about unlikely sources like Trip Advisor. Oh, btw, Boatfag is a baker. Maybe we can time it so Boatfag is your baker. He’s a good anon. As you see, he was interested enough to cone over here and post for your dig. Well, enough for now.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 21, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.9271800   🗄️.is 🔗kun


“DOJ lawyer that speaks French.”


Before joining the FBI to become involved in Crossfire Hurricane, Lisa Page was DOJ, but born to Muslim Indian father and Muslim Pakistani mother who lived in SA(Saudi Arabia)!for a spell. That is why I was saying that the LisaMI6.png pic will be looked at with a different eye after anon drops his decode of all the London

Lisa PAGE was DOJ at the time of those photos. Notice I didn’t say it was Lisa Page in those Embankment photos.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 22, 2020, 3:31 a.m. No.9274851   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sounds good, anon. Let us know if there is anything we can do if you want any help or input. Am going to go check out the LisaMI6 pic and the others. As I recall, Is there a stopped car which appears its operator is applying the brake pedal and hasn’t placed the car in “park”? Or, the driver has dropped off his party and has placed the car in neutral with his foot still on the brake. No need to answer. Wish we hadn’t lost our old bread.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 22, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.9278992   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ah, some classic architecture in London. Alas, advertising encroaches everywhere. The “ever-changing” nature of the advertisement meets and contrasts with the desire to conserve the classical. The unchanged versus the constantly changing.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 22, 2020, 4:33 p.m. No.9281366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1407 >>2585 >>3498 >>3792



Anon above is working on a big London pics decode that he plans to drop on the General Research board. This will have anons scrambling for information on the make-up of the British Government that goes much earlier than all of the current focus on 2015/2016.


You might want to start looking at the composition of the British Government during the first term of the Hussein administration (2008 to 2012) and into the first part of his second term (2013/2014). Become familiar with PMs, Foreign Secretaries, Intelligence heads, etc.


If you want to be the “belle of the ball” or if you always wanted to be that anon who has all the info when other anons who are unfamiliar with the UK are starting to ask questions about the London pics, then I recommend UK anons start digging on the players from that time. Let’s show folks in the General thread what the UK thread can do.

Anonymous ID: 51fbda May 22, 2020, 8:27 p.m. No.9283792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3819 >>4558


You will recognize a couple of speakers who spoke glowingly of HRC, the recipient of the Chatham House Award in 2013. One can wonder. This was maybe the beginning of HRC’s return. Andrew said he was told by mum to present this award. Did mum think HRC had done a really great job and wanted Andrew to bestow this great honor? Coincidence that it was Andrew to present the honor? And listen to Hague’s comments. Chatham House- Royal Institute for International Affairs.