Anonymous ID: 2f8d8e May 9, 2020, 9:45 p.m. No.9105336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5372 >>5392 >>5562 >>5747 >>5799

Pence aimed to project normalcy during his trip to Iowa, but coronavirus got in the way

Michael Collins, USA TODAY,USA TODAY•May 9, 2020


WASHINGTON – Vice President Mike Pence was hoping to use a trip to Iowa on Friday to promote efforts to reopen the economy and demonstrate that life is returning to normal across the country amid the deadly coronavirus pandemic.


Those plans started to unravel before he even left Washington. A member of Pence’s staff, press secretary Katie Miller, tested positive for coronavirus just as the vice president was about to depart, delaying his plane for an hour.


On Saturday, three key members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, were reported to be self-quarantining after coming into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.


Friday's revelation came just one day after the White House disclosed that a military valet to President Donald Trump also tested positive for the virus. Later on Friday, a person familiar with the matter said 11 Secret Service employees currently have the virus.


On the ground in Iowa, the vice president’s appearances did little to reinforce a return to normalcy. Attendees at a roundtable discussion on securing the nation’s food supply awaited Pence’s arrival by sitting in chairs spaced far apart in a nod to social distancing guidelines that aim to slow the spread of the disease. A conversation between Pence and religious leaders about reopening houses of worship unfolded in a nearly empty church.


"By God's grace, the faith of the American people… we'll get through this, sooner rather than later,” Pence said. “We'll get America working again. We'll get America worshipping again."

Anonymous ID: 2f8d8e May 9, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.9105483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5493 >>5496 >>5513 >>5527 >>5559

Melinda Gates: US coronavirus response 'lacking leadership at the federal level'

Max Zahn "Reporter"

Yahoo Finance May 8, 2020, 11:16 AM EDT


Philanthropist Melinda Gates on Thursday sharply criticized the U.S. response to the coronavirus outbreak, telling Yahoo Finance that the country is “lacking leadership at the federal level” and as a result has endured unnecessary deaths and economic pain.


“It's highly distressing and disappointing,” says Gates, co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which she said has donated $300 million to organizations involved in the coronavirus response.


“To have 50 state-grown solutions is inefficient, it makes no sense, and it's costing people their lives,” she adds.



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