Anonymous ID: 3c1cfe May 9, 2020, 10:12 p.m. No.9105631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5840

Schumer: Democrats Will ‘Fight Like the Devil’ for Nationwide Vote-By-Mail In Next Relief Bill


They believe men can transform into women and that killing babies in the womb is acceptable, so it only makes sense that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer would use a phrase like, “fight like the devil.”


Schumer on Thursday said the fiscally cautious approach now being taken by Republicans like McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) reminded him of former President Hoover’s response to the 1929 stock market crash and the onset of the Great Depression.


Schumer said, “The people like [Mitch] McConnell and [Kevin] McCarthy and even [President] Trump who say, ‘Let’s wait and do nothing,’ well, they remind me of the old Herbert Hoovers. We had the Great Depression — Hoover said let’s just wait it out. It got worse and worse.”


>Fight Like the Devil


Very interesting words used to describe how they will engage in political discourse…