Anonymous ID: 539de0 May 9, 2020, 10:15 p.m. No.9105681   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scanning MSM last 48 hours: they are ignoring the BIGGEST political scandal in history: treason by President Obama in spying on his opponent, then following up with a shadow government persecution of US citizens and a bogus impeachment. The NYT and WaPo and fake news networks are literally going to be destroyed by the arrests and convictions of the Obamagate conspirators, with the DNC-Seth Rich and HRC crimes also being revealed and prosecuted. They will have no choice but to triple down on orangemanbad killing us with COVID-19 and mail-in election is their only hope. May God protect the good guys, POTUS and VPOTUS and their families. DS will stop at nothing. AND THE STORM IS NOT EVEN HERE YET!


=Buckle up!==