I am a non-native English-speaking Anon. I respect everybody’s opinion. I think in a democracy everybody shall have the right of free speech.
I see people thinking for themselves and I see people just repeating the “official” narrative. And that is all fine.
But what is really shocking for me, is how many people not thinking for themselves AND trying to suppress other peoples voices and opinions. I am seeing many people who just hand off their individual responsibility. Making general arguments like:
Why would the experts lie?
These are just conspiracy theories.
They don’t see that all COVID-19 models of the experts were wrong so far, all models of the man made global warming experts were wrong so far, other experts that are not presented in MSM have different conclusions, …
It seems like they feel threatened from people who relay on their own experience, their own intuition, their own research, their own conclusions, their own opinions.
History has shown that people who are aware of their individual responsibility are important for a prospering society while the people that cannot accept free thinking and free speech are more dangerous and are more susceptible to being controlled (e.g. like in Nazi Germany).
They neglect to see things which are in plain sight if they are not presented to them by the MSM (e.g. project Paperclip, project Mockingbird, declass documents form AS, …
Free speech and individual responsibility are important. Otherwise you are just part of the sheeples.
Lets be proud that we think for ourselves and that we cherish free speech. Lets be a light for a free society.