you tried to destroy me. you framed me and slandered against me. you destroyed my reputation, soiled my name, and negated months of my hard work contributing to this place. you made this place, the only place i felt like i was living my purpose of helping to change this world, the only place i felt understood and not outcast, my home, uninhabitable. you did all this, and to protect the people i cared about, i just watched, silently. i didn't defend myself and no one defended me. but not long after, you were the one who was outed as a power-hungry fraud. you were the one who had your ass handed to you. justice. i know you won't see this, and i know i will never get the vindication i deserve, the vindication people far greater than I are finally now receiving, but for my own peace, i need one moment to publicly declare, for the record, that despite your attacks and slander, despite all the damage you and your friends caused me, i'm still here. still working, still fighting, still doing what i love, doing it better than anyone else here, and doing it freely now that i know you're no longer watching me. because, contrary to what you may have believed and contrary to the horrid image you painted of me, i do love this country and would never do anything to hurt it. i really am who i said i was and nothing is more important to me than this movement. you disappeared with your tail between your legs, and rightfully so. i'm still here.