Anonymous ID: 798b94 May 10, 2020, 1:40 a.m. No.9106819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6870

11.3 and 11.4 as well as 10/30 and between 7:45 and 8:30am could ALL point to this weekend/Monday 5-11.


But we know how date-fagging works out.

6-14 POTUS' 74th Birthday (888 months alive) ain't no slouch for digits either)


P@in PSWD reveal pen points to either [38] or [52], bisected points to today [45].


PF drop 59 is Q604 (pen pointing at [47])

5-9 is at [44] + 2 days is at [46] (46/604)

[46] to [47] "They thought it was coming yesterday. They were wrong."(?)


5:5 was 5 days ago. How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?"


4-10-20 DJT Day was [mirror] opposite of today at [15]


3-11-20 Oval Office Corona Virus Address was [60] days ago at [45] (today) on the clock.


1 Year ago today [45], 34 tweets (Q34 breakdown posted here)

1 Year ago tomorrow [46], 71 tweets


The fact that we're opposite DJT DAY and 5-steps ahead of today was "5:5" at a [45] on the clock, with other numbers and pens all workably pointing to these several days, all seems kinda BIG to me


Oh, and it's the 131st day of the year with 235 remaining. Day 129 was 2 days ago with week 19-20 transitioning tonight. And we're 35.25% thru the year. If those numbers don't speak to you at all, you're probably good at something very, very different. Kek.


My clocks are an abortion visually, but neat workspace has never been my strong-point.

Anonymous ID: 798b94 May 10, 2020, 1:59 a.m. No.9106870   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A few follow-up observations I missed before.


Those P@in pens that point to today [45] when bisected are Q-drop 1331, today is 131st day of year. And DUH, they're dated May 10, 2018 (2-year delta). That's triple confirmation.


The 10/30/2017 Q-1 Hillary timing specs delta to 5-9-2020 at 12:01am work even better than just the "30m 10d = 10/30" there, as the 7h 16m 32s left over not only form "JFK JR P@in" digits, but also forms the "2017" (17 is obvious and the 6+3+2=11, which is two ones, forming the "2" in "2017").