the payoff is never worthit.
<let [me] be the first to extend the 8кцп наиd of frenzhip.
this one is good.
not if it violates constitutionally protected due process.
<no matter what blind Justice would seem to indicate.
why expend energy in an arena one Can Not win in?
<this entire process is bass ackward.
one's energy is better spent praising The Most High than mucking about blindly in spiritual affairs few (living) have experience in.
… whom [i] assure you, Can Not be Stopped.
Jesus Said "It Is Finished".
That was Not for cinematic effect upon po'h.sapiens Affect.
oh yes…
<bad memes.
the comment was to the effect that no one on the servers has any actionable evidence to put in them ergo no need for an oig hotline.
<æı bow to your superior intellect… obviously æı would know nothing of such weighty matters of statecraft.
>could you point me to the .jpgrelated?
one could safely assume #MbS Mohammed bin Salman has [our fair princess] guarded quite safely in the highest tower of his kingdom.
only know 1§œקнæı
she Is Saudi Arabia's Financial Nettwork now.
God alone Knows wtf else she has got her "self" into by now.
[beast]ly things come to mind.
æıd like to know how cassandra is doin
.. discord is unstable as hell… got rockin terrabytez over ær… and she holds apple and Netflix and… somethin else.
shes part apache… but aint heard from her in some time.
<don' EEt [me] missah NeFahhhLimmm.
güđ тнief… chukl
ye kindahh had there.