>>9105924, >>9106011 cont'd from pb - COVID testing is mandatory for those on gov assistance. LB/PB >diggz
Cali testing location webpage was launched May 6, same day as the Social Services letter.
The tesing webiste is to provide location information and appointments. Along with the testing task force page it links, there is no statement of mandatory testing.
The Cali Public Health Dept provides guidelines on testing (pic related).
Standard guidelines, healthcare workers, high risk, and those with symptoms. There is no indication that persons on benefits atre considered at risk. The testing guidelines do specify or provide a link for mandatory Social Services Department testing.
If anything, it implies that testing should be for those in need at high risk and overhelm the testing facilities. If all family members receiving benefits must be tested by the June date, that would be millions of test samples taken, processed and documented. The system could be overhelmed.
Appears the Social Services "MD" signing the letter is a power hunger tyrant with shit for brains - reason he is a bureaucrat behind the desk rather than practicing medicne (but the public is still at great risk from his incompitent conduct).