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MUST READ – Full Interview Transcript of AG Barr Discussing Dropping the Flynn Case

Posted by sundance



Q: Does the new evidence show that the counterintelligence case against General Flynn was simply left open to lay a trap for lying?


BARR: Yes. Essentially.


As customary CBS only broadcast a small snippet of the interview between CBS reporter Catherine Herridge and U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr. The full interview is much longer and much more interesting than the edited narrative broadcast by CBS.


When you read the conversation you will immediately notice why CBS refused to broadcast it, and why the segment that did air was so brutally edited.


Some of the interview answers will provide hope for those who want to see justice delivered. However, there are also cautious answers that should be considered when formulating an opinion of AG Bill Barr’s ongoing intention. Below is the transcript.


♦ Q: Who at the FBI was driving this?


BARR: Well, this particular episode, it looks like the impetus came from the seventh floor.


♦ Q: The seventh floor is Director Comey.


BARR: I believe it’s Director Comey and the deputy’s office.


♦ Q: Based on the evidence that you have seen, did senior FBI officials conspire to throw out the national security adviser?


BARR: Well, as I said, this is a particular episode. And it has some troubling features to it, as we’ve discussed. But I think, you know, that’s a question that really has to wait an analysis of all the different episodes that occurred through the summer of 2016 and the first several months of President Trump’s administration.


♦ Q: What are the consequences for these individuals?


BARR: Well, you know, I don’t wanna, you know, we’re in the middle of looking at all of this. John Durham’s investigation, and U.S. Attorney Jensen, I’m gonna ask him to do some more work on different items as well. And I’m gonna wait till all the evidence is, and I get their recommendations as to what they found and how serious it is


But if, you know, if we were to find wrongdoing, in the sense of any criminal act, you know, obviously we would, we would follow through on that. But, again, you know, just because something may even stink to high heaven and be, you know, appear everyone to be bad we still have to apply the right standard and be convinced that there’s a violation of a criminal statute. And that we can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. The same standard applies to everybody.


♦ Q: It sounds to me like one of your objectives is to never allow the Justice Department to be used as a political weapon. That’s what you’re saying you think happened here?


BARR: I think, yes. I think there was an aspect of that. And I think, for the last several decades, the Department has been used more and more, or the efforts have been made to draw the Department into that. And I think it’s very important that that not happen.


People, you know, we should choose our leaders through the election process. And efforts to use the law enforcement process to change leaders or to disable administrations are incendiary in this country and destroy our republic.