The moment is fast approaching.
There comes a point where an event, more than an arrest, more than the release of a report, and more than the analysis of a pundit or journalist (a real one, that is), serves to awaken the American population….
…and that is the moment when a swamp rat raises his right hand, swears to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and then proceeds to assert the 5th Amendment.
As constitutionalists, we understand how critical the amendment is to protect people, but for the general public, when a person who has previously had no qualms about going on cable news and blabbing about all things Russia, suddenly says "I don't want to answer questions," then the largest portion of the sleeping electorate will be peeled away from the enemy. Not all, of course, but a great, great number.
The release of the transcripts this week shows we're getting close, because NOBODY wanted to lie under oath. But, alas, they've made so many public statements, and there are so many contradictory stories from within the circle of conspirators, that WHEN the Senate begins hearings (and, yes, I do still believe this will happen), many of these wicked men and women will have no choice but to plead the 5th.
And THAT will be the biggest BOOM we will have seen to date…