Anonymous ID: a0d27c May 10, 2020, 5:29 a.m. No.9107611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7634



(OBAMA:) I'm


proud of the fact that with two weeks to

go we're probably the first

administration in modern history that

hasn't had a major scandal in the white



what a joke the Obama people got


caught this week and it looks like it

goes straight to the top let's start



remember these Obama officials who told

the country Trump was a traitor


what a great case officer Vladimir Putin is he

knows how to handle an asset and that's

what he's doing with the president


do you still believe the president could be

a Russian asset


I think it's possible

president Putin's got a very high return

on his investment he's taken a series of

steps that had Vladimir Putin dictated

them he couldn't have mirrored more



These horrible people were

lying on national television and they

knew they were lying –

they just didn't think they'd get caught


well we caught him when House

Republicans put him under oath in 2017

every single one of them said they'd

seen no evidence of collusion


so American patriot Rick Rennell Acting

Director of National Intelligence

released the transcripts of these

low-lives admitting there was never

collusion you ready


James clapper quote

never saw any direct empirical evidence


Samantha power I am NOT in possession of anything


Susan Rice I don't recall

evidence to that effect


and Andrew McCabe

on the sealed dossier we have not

been able to prove the accuracy


so the

Obama administration wiretap spied on

and investigated their political

opponents and they never had any

evidence of collusion they didn't have

any then and they don't have any now

because there was no collusion it was a




now what they did was they went

on TV and told everybody Trump was a

traitor though Adam Schiff did too


(Waters:) These people are evil and they're sick I

hate them for what they did to this

country and I'll never forgive them and

I'll never forgive them for what they

did to Michael Flint a three-star

general who spent 30 years protecting



the justice finally dropped the case against

him here's AG bill Barr


what should

Americans take away from your actions in

the Flint case today


I want to make sure

that we restore confidence in the system

there's only one standard of justice.



Anonymous ID: a0d27c May 10, 2020, 5:34 a.m. No.9107634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7648





when history looks back on this decision

how do you think it will be written


Well history is written by the winners

largely depends on who's writing the



you know that's funny but it's

also true and that's why this November

is so important these disgraceful people

will rewrite history if they get the



now the goj said there was no basis for

James Comey to send in FBI agents to

interview Flynn the DOJ said the

interview was unjustified and had

nothing to do with the legitimate

investigation the the DOJ said Flynn's

phone call with the Russian ambassador

was perfectly legal and totally

appropriate the video Jay said Flynn did

not violate the stupid Logan Act and

that he never committed perjury anyway



remember we finally saw documents that

showed FBI agents plotting to entrap

Flynn floating their goal to get him the


lock him up or get him fired


the reason

the Obama administration needed Flynn

gone was because he was about to uncover

the scandal - that the Trump team had been

illegally spied on and smeared



needed Flynn gone because their coup

needed to continue and the second Flynn

was confirmed as national security

adviser he'd be able to see everything

that they've been doing


now the

president fumed over this injustice




I hope a lot of people are gonna

pay a big price because they're

dishonest crooked people they're scum

and I say it a lot they're scum they

human scum the Obama administration

Justice Department was a disgrace and

they got caught - they got caught very

dishonest people but much more than


dissents treason it's treason



Anonymous ID: a0d27c May 10, 2020, 5:38 a.m. No.9107648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7653





words and they're backed by facts new

documents tell us everything



opened up an investigation on Flynn just

because he was on the Trump campaign

and he traveled to Russia once the steel

dossier was a Hillary hit job and it was

all just Russian disinformation and they

knew it and they used it anyway to get a



the FBI had doctored evidence to


listen to Carter pages phone calls the

Papadopoulos conversation at the bar CIA

set up the manna fort black book was a

fake tip from Clinton's Ukrainian

contacts the spies the wiretap Flynn was

about to find out all so Obama's team

illegally leaked Flynn's classified

phone call to create a Russian cloud

around him and then sneak FBI agents

into the White House to take him out



Barack Obama knew what was going on


new transcripts show Obama was aware of the

intimate details of Flynn's call a call

that wasn't criminal at all


this raised

eyebrows because Obama hated Flynn fired him

in 2014 and told Trump not to hire him


it makes sense now doesn't it as we told

you last week

Flynn clash with Obama's CIA he didn't

like how political they were and believe

they were covering up the truth about


al-qaeda on January 5th 2017


during the


transition Obama DOJ officials Sally

Yates attended an oval office meeting

with Comey Biden Brennan rice and

clapper according to these documents


they were discussing Russian election

interference which they obviously used as

an excuse for Hillary losing


and after the briefing Obama asked Yates and

Comey to stay behind and said he had learned

of the information about Flynn and his

conversation with the Russian ambassador


Obama was seeking information on whether

the White House should be treating Flynn

any differently given the information


Yates recalled James Comey mentioning

the Logan act in front of the president

which ended up being the BS excuse for

unleashing the sting


another memo says


Biden's stayed behind too and witnessed

the conversation


now remember the Strock page text that

came out remember this one the White

House is running this POTUS wants to

know everything we're doing



because Counter Intelligence

investigations are done solely for the

commander in chief

it all connects now

doesn't it


a source is telling Watters


world that Attorney General Bill Barr

was just given a trove of smoking gun

documents that could point directly at

former President Barack Obama revealing

his powerful connection to spy gate and

the Russia hoax


yesterday President Trump hinted this is

far from over


there's the tweet yesterday was a big


day for justice in the USA

congratulations to general Flynn and

many others I do believe there is much

more to come dirty cops and crooked

politicians do not go well together

we'll have to wait and see how this all



reports are that Adam Schiff is


quote panicking John Durham is working

around the clock putting together a

winnable case in court but if this goes

all the way to the top like it appears

it does bill Barr is going to have to


appoint a special prosecutor with a

wider scope to get to the bottom or

should I say the top …


joining me now is Sean Hannity …

Anonymous ID: a0d27c May 10, 2020, 5:56 a.m. No.9107723   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Good grief I did that 30 years ago with my TV.


Are they smashing things that could be used as computer monitors?


Woman in Sydney who had her kid snatched by the cops 1 or 2 days ago get the boy back yet?


Come on Australia, catch up.

