Anonymous ID: ffff3f May 10, 2020, 6:19 a.m. No.9107876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7938


sometimes it's too late or very close to 'too late'

whatever move, it has to be soon.

The Ship cannot turn instantly.

If we miss targets, all we can hope is the WingAnons CarpetBombers can have effect.

In the chess game, feels like Cali is a doomed piece right now.

It can be saved but requires time.

How much time do we have?

When doomed piece on the board, sometimes better to forget it (cold game).

Luckily in this game, we will have another chance ]Future[.

We should also learn technique 'impeach', for characters like schiff, nancy, etc once we prove/show the villains they are.

It's up to CA25 how hard they want to work for change.

Unfortunately, we are deep in the silent war and People fear change.

If CA25 wants a chance now, it has to start now and fight hard to the end.

After all is revealed, CA25 will have a better chance for more accurate Vote.

With a more accurate, legal Vote, less villains like nancy, schiff, etc.

IF CA25 is too corrupt, focus other CA for now.

Once more Justice, less swamp, we be back for CA25 to remove any bad leaders.

Reminds me access:

Info is protected from Anons because of swamp.

When swamp is removed, more access to info?

Anonymous ID: ffff3f May 10, 2020, 6:28 a.m. No.9107938   🗄️.is 🔗kun


more game theory

If some areas are more corrupt than others, which areas should be taken over first by Voters who want change?

Perhaps focus on the weaker areas more likely to Vote Rs.

It's not about Rs vs Ds, but as Trump uses Rs, we can use Rs also.

If Rs truly become the party that protects the People we can keep it, but if not, then Rs are jus a holding point while we overcome this part of the silentW.

Anonymous ID: ffff3f May 10, 2020, 6:42 a.m. No.9108024   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'#FISA Former #2 McCabe under oath 12/19/2017 confirms FBI relied oppo research to surveil @carterwpage “we did not rely on the Steele reporting for opening of the investigation (July 2016)…but we did rely on that reporting in the FISA application” @RichardGrenell DNI transcript'

Anonymous ID: ffff3f May 10, 2020, 7:02 a.m. No.9108189   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yup, there you go.

ask for help everyday CA25 and some Anons will support.

As moar news comes out, moar villains revealed, moar ppl looking for answers.

Anons are ready.

Some missions are heartbreaking to be so close and fail.

Keep in mind, that failure prepares you for the next battle.

That experience saves the next mission.

CA25 not as bad position as i first thought; CA25 has high ground (already have the seat) and POTUS support (HUUUGGGEEE, these days).

Work hard CA25 and Faith.

i want schiff's and nancy's district to be returned to the American Voters.

i want Americans to learn the game re impeach House/Senate, to get rid of swamp creatures pronto.