I'm still watching for something significant, I don't think those make the cut unless the earthquake was engineered.
>Watch the news tomorrow.
well that was a waste of time.
>Each one read in full.
I see what you did there Q. the whole op is about wasting everyone's time. well played.
never forget how trump 180'd on all that shit.
Patrice never died, he just transitioned.
I'd rather the US not become an extension of Asia, Africa, or Latin America. I don't want to compete with other races who identify as themselves first, American second. I will only hire true Americans: White European Americans. Thanks.
Nothing is YUGE until something comes of it. Nothing is being done about anything therefore nothing is YUGE.
Facebook is not HUGE because nobody cares. Everyone is still using facebook and will not stop. The only thing that will result is some stock is getting dumped. Why do you retards over hype everything?
((((ewww)))) I dont even think rogaine will work for those (((genetics))), not sure how anyone can trust any of (((them))), even if they are on the inside. That nothing has really happened yet should be enough proof.
1) stop projecting. 2) don't propagate your shit genes. 3) KYS.
lol everyone in the know filters the newfags who use those graphics, fyi. You're just letting them know they're over the target by how triggered you are.
>The dude never spent even 1 day in prison.
And he never will. Quality post btw.
nigger what kind of k2 spice weed are you smoking
Chaffetz has to go back tbh. not white.
You would be into beastiality faggot
How about we just stop taking advice from (((people like Rosanne Barr))) who have done so much harm to our once great Nation.
So you're just retarded then? You can't even speak proper English and can barely put together a coherent sentence. Are you non-white?