^^^^^^^ AND THIS ^^^^^^^>>910994
Jesuit operation.
Favorite Trump pic of all time . Best meme material ever .
Martha, I would breed her .
Also usnewslive.tv if that goes down youtube tends to scrap feeds randomly . FYI.
Smart thinking lurkanon . Keep posting we need smart Anons like you .
Giant news day . Everything has to be done by the book . Almost everything I mean . The conveyor belt HAS BEGUN !!
AIM is fake Q DOXXED by badass motherfucking Anons.
There is the KING Jesuit himself [P] in all his satanic glory . Hope it was worth it Doug .
This is the key to taking it all down .
Notice he is in all black .
Blockchain voting. Real news accountability no commentary. the only way . Bill of rights ,freedom, preserve constitution .
Fake q failed . on to shit porn . cant argue kek we win
MOAB news !!