Anonymous ID: 1e56aa May 10, 2020, 7:03 a.m. No.9108197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8495 >>8798


Henry Kissenger called for a " parallel enterprise '' just a few weeks ago, in april 3 WSJ ,now we have a response ( maybe ? ) Cabal talks in code.

Tony Blair: ‘Our Teams Are Embedded in Governments Around the World’

Who is Blair handlers ?


Who made Kissenger in early days ?

Anonymous ID: 1e56aa May 10, 2020, 7:05 a.m. No.9108218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8300

"A Grand Lodge is invested with power and authority over all the craft within its jurisdiction. It is the Supreme Court of Appeals in all Masonic cases, and to its decrees unlimited obedience must be paid by every lodge and every Mason situated within its control. The government of Grand Lodges is, therefore, completely despotic. While a Grand Lodge exists, its edictsmust be respected and obeyed without examination by its subordinated lodges."

[That's from] Mackey, Lexicon of Freemasonry, page 183.

"For ourselves, we deny as Masons that any civil government on earth has the right to divide or curtail Masonic jurisdiction when once established. It can only be done by competent Masonic authority and in accordance with Masonic usage." – [From the] Grand Lodge Report.

Anonymous ID: 1e56aa May 10, 2020, 7:12 a.m. No.9108272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8414

"'Once a Mason, always a Mason once a Mason everywhere a Mason. However independent wither as individuals or as 267 lodges, whether grand or subordinate and we are each and all truly free and uncontrolled by anything save our ancient laws and constitution – yet no Mason can be a foreigner to another Mason. We are all equal citizens of one common government, having equal rights, equal privileges and equal duties; and in which government, thank God, the majority does not govern. For our order in its very constitution strikes at the root of that which is the very basis of popular government. It proclaims and practices, not that the will of the masses is wise and good, and as such to be obeyed; not that the majority shall govern, but that the law [i.e., above mentioned ancient law] shall govern. Our tenet is not only that no single man but that no body of men (however wise of numerous), can change in any degree one single landmark of our ancient institution.

Anonymous ID: 1e56aa May 10, 2020, 7:20 a.m. No.9108345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8410


Infiltration , instead of invasion.


we know no government save our own. To every government save that of Masonry, and to each and all alike, we are foreigners; and this form of government is neither pontifical, autocratic, monarchial, republican, democratic nor despotic; it is a government per se, and that government is Masonic. We have nothing to do with forms of government, forms of religion, or forms of social life. We are a nation of men only bound to each other by Masonic ties, as citizens of the world, and that world the world of Masonry; brethren to each other all the world over, foreigners to all the world beside.

'"The above is a Masonic address in a nut-shell; it is the compressed essence of Masonic life."

– [It's taken from the] Missouri Grand Lodge Report for 1867.

Read on air by William Cooper

Anonymous ID: 1e56aa May 10, 2020, 7:31 a.m. No.9108465   🗄️.is 🔗kun



No wonder a most prominent member admits the following: "There is no charge more frequently made against Freemasonry that that of its tendency to revolution and conspiracy, and to political organizations which may affect the peace of society or interfere with the rights of government." [Taken from] Mackey, Mystic Tie of Freemasonry, page 43.

] splinter cell [