Anonymous ID: e7af7d May 10, 2020, 10:02 a.m. No.9109989   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Logical thinking suggests that the panic is largely manufactured.

SARS-CoV-2 is a form of the human Coronavirus that is one of the causes of the Common Cold.

We know how long an average cold lasts in healthy people.

16 days sounds like long enough to cut the infection rate

And allow anyone with the SARS-CoV-2 cold infection

To recover.


Sweden is a prime example of a country where they did not PANIC

But did implement social distancing

Without shutting down businesses or society.

In other words, the restaurants and bars stayed open

But people from DIFFERENT HOUSEHOLDS stayed apart

And more people ordered takeout.


It worked!


Unfortunately Trump is in power

And the forces of the NUIT World Order

Know that they must destroy Trump

So if they cannot kill him

They will destroy his economy

Disorient his people

And defeat him by rigging the next election

To happen in a time of social despair

And rising panic about the RESURGENCE OF THE PLAGUE

Maybe they will throw out all the disease organisms they can find

Just to be sure

They know for sure

That the Nations United In Thelema

Are destined to rule the world like the STARS in the firmament

Worshipped and served by the sheep

Those men with little wills

Who will bow before the might

Of theOrder of the Lamp of the Invisible Light


you may find it interesting to do reverse image searches on the last three symbolic images

Anonymous ID: e7af7d May 10, 2020, 10:06 a.m. No.9110075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0145



Look how the laser targets the exact spot

Towards which the weapons fire is needed

99% of the terrain is left untouched

Only the 1% that harbors the evil enemy

Is marked by the infrared laser beam

Which guides the cannon fire and missiles

Directly to the targets.


99% and 1% sound familiar to me

What about you?

Did Q use those numbers in another drop?

Wouldn't it be great if Q provided a refresher class

Just to help us study the important facts?


It takes time to winnow through the barrel

And find where all the rotten apples are hiding

But once you know where they are





They're all gone!!!

Anonymous ID: e7af7d May 10, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.9110181   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Godfather III

Some of the most helpful people in the fight

Have been the children of Cabal families

The 3rd generation who woke up

And rejected their family's foolish devotion

To Aleister Crowley's Thelema

And it's Magick of Con-Artists

They realize that Frater Perdurabo

Perverted and twisted the teachings of Qabbalah

And Gnosticism

And Vedanta

When this younger generation realized that the real knowledge

Resided in the older historical sources

The scene was set for a REVOLUTION

Against the NUIT World Order

And a return to God

Who is the one and only true source of All That Is

Including each and every one of us

Love your neighbor as yourself

Because we are a team

And a team alwaysHelps Each Other Out

Whenever some of the members of the team

Find themselves stuck in a hole

Anonymous ID: e7af7d May 10, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.9110382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0416

This 38 second video explains…

Their Plans Lie In Ruin!


The magic squares named "panmagic squares" and that, for Edouard Lucas, we name generally diabolic, have surprising properties: the sum of numbers taken on the partial diagonals equal the magic number. Moreover, if we cut out the square following a line or a column, and that we reconstitute it by putting pieces differently (but without to invert lines and columns) it remains magic. Here is an example of this magic square whose sum gives 38:


2 15 5 16

9 12 6 11

14 3 17 4

13 8 10 7