Logical thinking suggests that the panic is largely manufactured.
SARS-CoV-2 is a form of the human Coronavirus that is one of the causes of the Common Cold.
We know how long an average cold lasts in healthy people.
16 days sounds like long enough to cut the infection rate
And allow anyone with the SARS-CoV-2 cold infection
To recover.
Sweden is a prime example of a country where they did not PANIC
But did implement social distancing
Without shutting down businesses or society.
In other words, the restaurants and bars stayed open
But people from DIFFERENT HOUSEHOLDS stayed apart
And more people ordered takeout.
It worked!
Unfortunately Trump is in power
And the forces of the NUIT World Order
Know that they must destroy Trump
So if they cannot kill him
They will destroy his economy
Disorient his people
And defeat him by rigging the next election
To happen in a time of social despair
And rising panic about the RESURGENCE OF THE PLAGUE
Maybe they will throw out all the disease organisms they can find
Just to be sure
They know for sure
That the Nations United In Thelema
Are destined to rule the world like the STARS in the firmament
Worshipped and served by the sheep
Those men with little wills
Who will bow before the might
Of theOrder of the Lamp of the Invisible Light
you may find it interesting to do reverse image searches on the last three symbolic images