Anonymous ID: 17eab4 Dec. 14, 2018, 5:06 p.m. No.4315173   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What about people like the MoMA’s Dept of Film Curator [DK] and others, as well as [Mormons] in Ancestry .com changing family histories, hiding records, pushing other records sometimes before historians, genealogists, and families’ eyes? Also, what of the authors, some changing their own books when readers piece together sorted tidbits that add up to murders and other corruption cases? [BT]. And, what about the documentary film makers/C_A changing history? [CC] Is justice going to come to [them] for deceiving and mind controlling the sheep?


Who is going to put the family histories (or other world history) back together for the descendant families of stars and important historical figures like VP, TI, GR, WC, AL, and so many others? [DK] [BT] [CC] [others]


How is the world going to know real history once again? Will the people ever know the truth of this nation and the world and the people therein? Or, is history forevermore false? Will we go on remembering the lies? Or, does it matter in the reset? “All things new”? “Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,”?

Anonymous ID: 17eab4 Dec. 14, 2018, 5:27 p.m. No.4315425   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hollywood, TRUSTs, and Banks


“Cinema in the 1910s

“At the beginning of the 1910s, the most powerful forces in the American film industry were the members of the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC), often simply called "the Trust." Led by the Thomas Edison's company and the Biograph studio, the MPPC aimed to shut out competition through, first, the pooling of patents (e.g. film sprocket holes, camera parts) and later, control over networks of film distribution. Unaffiliated companies (the "independents") banded together to form the Motion Picture Distribution and Sales company (Sales Co.) in 1910.”


“Thomas Edison “later projects in Vaudeville and starts the Motion Picture Patent Company ("The Trust') in order to monopolize over every other film production and sues his way to controlling all American producers except Biograph, the company that WLK Dickinson founded.””


“In 1922 DeMille became vice-president of the Federal Trust and savings Bank of Hollywood. In 1923 he assumed the same position at the Commercial National Bank of Los Angeles. In 1925 he became president of the Culver City Commercial and Savings Bank, which was owned by a holding company for the Bank of Italy. Founded in San Francisco by Amadeo Peter (“A.P.”) Giannini in 1904, the Bank of Italy was the first state-wide branch banking company. In 1928 Giannini merged it with his Bank of America of California. In 1930 the new entity became the Bank of America. One of DeMille’s duties was reviewing loan applications from Hollywood film companies. It was in this capacity that he approved a loan of $250,000 to his former partner Samuel Goldwyn. The loan gave Goldwyn the capital to establish the most successful independent production company in Hollywood.”