all it takes is for one mockingbird hack to berate him about not quarentining for POTUS to say he doesnt need to because he's been taking hydroxichloriquine.
#ObamaGate goes from not being on the board to #5 world wide in one hour with the most tweets
#ObamaGate keeps climbing but im still being shadowbanned, im not getting any exposure on my tweets.
where are the numbers coming from?
i think you're right anon. if you check the hashtag timeline they are coming in fast!
hmm never seen that before.
will see if it changes
they are using a random number generator. the theory goes that collective human consciousness can affect its 4d surroundings.
so they are measuring anomalous patterns in the random numbers being generated and using that data to indicate the collective conscious state of mankind.
any anon have a blue check tweet from this morning pushing the early morning russian bot cause its noon in moscow narrative?