Anonymous ID: f9df2f May 10, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.9118645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8656 >>8692

>>9110410 pb


In Quarantine, Worldwide, May 9, 2020, the Year of Our Lord


'''The Unanimous Declaration of the Free People of the several countries, scattered over the various continents of The Earth,—


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for good people to dissolve the bands of oppression which have unduly subjugated them to others, and to assume among the powers of The Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and the Creator God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare causes which impel them to the separation.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all peoples are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator, the Lord, the One True God, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the Governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right and the Obligation of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Liberty and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forums to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of unrelenting abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariable the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotic Global control, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government,, be it in the light of day, or under cover of shadow and legerdemain, and to provide new Guards for their future liberty. — Such has been the patient sufferance of the World; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systematic Slavery, through such means as are available to them. The history of the Globalist Cabal is a history of repeated back-room banking deals, enslavements, wars, cultural usurpations, and ideological revolutionary enforcements. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Anonymous ID: f9df2f May 10, 2020, 9:58 p.m. No.9118656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8660 >>8692



[THEY] have enacted banking schemes wherein they have sought financial control over entire populations.


[THEY] have secretly conspired to Usurp the various Governments of the World, through insurrection, infiltration and invasion.


[THEY] have established a cult of worship to Moloch, Baal, Satan and various other demons and spiritual beings, real and imagined, and have engaged in ritual abominations.


[THEY] have kidnapped, raped, and tortured millions of children, caring not for the innocence of the ones they abuse, the lives and families they've destroyed through grief, or the Image of God imprinted in each and every child from conception.


[THEY] have institutionalized Satanic Ritual Baby Sacrifice: the Demonic Institution of Abortion-on-demand. [THEY] have twisted the language, so that a baby isn't called a baby, but a "little one" in a dead language no one speaks. [THEY] have profited off the sale of baby organs, tissues, and fluids, while bragging about the types of cars that it affords [THEM].


[THEY] have practiced to blackmail one-another, by enticing their recruits in to increasingly wicked activities, until such time as they have ensnared them into various abominations so abhorrent that the intended target is now beholden to their masters for life.


[THEY] have studied to engage in perversions against nature, and against humanity. By conflating torture and sexuality, they demonstrate that they have been given over in their corruption to the sick desires of their hearts, and that God has fully abandoned them, in accordance with their own evil will.


[THEY] have summoned the dark arts to their own ends, thinking in their naïveté that it is they who control the spirits, against the express commands of God, who has forbidden such practice in His Word.


[THEY] have conspired to use state resources to undermine elections and frame a duly elected United States President, Donald J. Trump.


[THEY] have installed operatives in the National Media, worldwide, to [KNOWINGLY] spread their twisted lies, as they warp the truth to fit their agenda.


[THEY] have stated their intent to murder seven-billion People, who are created in the Image of God. So bold are [THEY] that [THEY] have carved their murderous intents on their stone hearts, and on actual monoliths of stone and have erected them in Georgia, mocking the God of Israel, Moses, David, and Jesus of Nazareth.


[THEY] have gleefully sought to destroy everything good in Western civilization by willfully importing millions of refugees who adhere to the Globalist Religion of Radical Islam. These populations have taken over wherever they invade, causing violence, mayhem and destruction, all while pursuing their stated goal of Sharia conquering the established peaceful governments they encounter through infiltration, invasion, and petulant demands.


[THEY] have pitted us against each other using every difference available to them, including skin tone, religion, sexuality, sex, creed and interest.


[THEY] have sown poisonous seeds throughout all Christian cultures, through systematic usurpation of Noble Art with garbage pop.


[THEY] have poisoned us with gases and chemicals literally sprayed on our heads and our food, injected into our bodies and sold for use in our homes.


[THEY] have congratulated themselves for their perversions, giving themselves Awards while wearing fancy clothes, and patting themselves on the back while calling their perversions "brave."


[THEY] have committed various forms of TREASON, so-much-so that a new word will have to be invented for the depths of their depraved betrayals.

Anonymous ID: f9df2f May 10, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.9118660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8669 >>8692



[THEY] have formed for themselves secret navies and air forces. [THEY] have engaged in drug trafficking, arms dealing, wars, and human trafficking to create Black Budgets for themselves, for which there is no oversight.


[THEY] have sold dangerous Uranium to Enemy Powers, weakening the United States, endangering the world, and emboldening our enemies.


[THEY] have unleashed a PLAGUE against all mankind, destroying the world's economy, murdering hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people who are all Created in the Imago Dei.


[THEY] have violated all moral and ethical boundaries through perverse experimentation in human DNA, cloning, and chimeræ.


[THEY] have systematically brainwashed thousands through the MKUltra program, creating unstable assets who they may activate at any time to commit any number of atrocities.


[THEY] have instigated every Mass Shooting event to distract from [THEIR] evil ways, and told us that the solution was for us to surrender our rights. [THEY] are so arrogant [THEY] have even stated their intent to create mass shootings as a way to take away our guns — in writing, thinking we would never know, or somehow not care and willingly comply.


[THEY] have started both World Wars, in order to break up the empires they would be incapable of conquering due to their size, in a long-game for World Domination; [THEY] have murdered hundreds of millions of God's Children, who are Created in His Image. [THEY] have duped us in to sending our own brave boys all over the world to fight their protracted money-making wars, and laughed at us while we celebrated our boys' patriotic deaths.


[THEY] have murdered their own who have attempted to expose them.


[THEY] have violated our Right to Privacy.


[THEY] have violated our Right to Free Speech.


[THEY] have violated our Right to Bear Arms.


[THEY] have violated our Right to Free Assembly.


[THEY] have imposed excessive fines, against our Bill of Rights.


[THEY] have arrested Mothers for playing with their kids at parks, or protesting peacefully on the street.


[THEY] have murdered countless protestors who stood up for their Rights.


[THEY] have, under color of law, deprived us of our Constitutional Rights, Rights which ought to be guaranteed not just Americans, but all People, in all countries, and under all countries.

Anonymous ID: f9df2f May 10, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.9118669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8692



[THEY] have dug countless tunnels as undetectable routes for human and drug trafficking. [THEY] have snatched our precious children right out from under our eyes and absconded with them never to be seen again.


[THEY] have flaunted their sick behaviors and convinced us they were kidding.


[THEY] have disclosed to us their intents, through means both overt and covert, and taken our unintended complicity as consent. WE DO NOT CONSENT.


[THEY] have established a two-tier justice system, in which [THEY] invariably walk free for Crimes against Humanity, and We, the People, are imprisoned for made-up crimes, or simply peacefully living our lives.


[THEY] have defrauded our elections and disenfranchised millions. [THEY] have schemed every form of voter fraud imaginable, and enacted it, so that, in some cases, very few living, real people have voted for the winning candidate, and the actual winner was deprived of their rightful position.


[THEY] have created such astonishing Double Standards, that it is breath-taking. What is good for us is not good for [THEM], the crime is punishable not by whether it was committed, but by which side of a political fence the accused falls on.


[THEY] have relentlessly lied about and attacked a duly-elected President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.


[THEY] have engaged in sex with toddlers and babies.


[THEY] have murdered key witnesses who could expose their sick perversions.


[THEY] have spread pornography worldwide in an effort to destroy men and families and to inure society to that which is undesirable and destructive.


[THEY] have indoctrinated our children with lies through Public Indoctrination Systems, which they euphemistically call "Schools".


[THEY] have violated the Sovereign Right of Parents to discipline their children as they see fit.


[THEY] have muddied spiritual waters with psychological dribble.


[THEY] have invaded churches and watered down the Gospel to the point that it is non-existent in many places.


[THEY] have perverted the Worship of God with sexuality and entertainment.


[THEY] have systematically destroyed the Rights of All People, Everywhere, To Be Free.


As [THEY] have proven their unworthiness to be leaders of Free People, It is therefore our Sacred Duty to use such means as are available to Us, to effect a Separation from this Global Cabal and to enact their destruction, pursuing them all the way to the very Gates of Hell itself.


We, the People of The Earth, therefore have enacted A Great Awakening to the evils enumerated above, and of many more additional abominations. We have sent a Plague of Frogs to destroy [THEM], and we shall not rest until every last one of [THEM] is dead and gone.


We, therefore, the (by Rights) Free People of The Earth, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the Weight of the Responsibility placed upon us by Q, Donald J. Trump, and God, solemnly publish and declare, that All People are, and of Right out to be Free and Independent People, that they are absolved of all allegiance to Central Banks, the British Crown, the Vatican, the current wicked Pope, the Chair, the Master, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, police who enforce illegal laws repugnant to the United States Constitution and the Rights therein-contained, military who, instead of weighing the justness of an order, simply follow it to the injury of the Rights of others, and any and all governors, princes, representatives, senators, parliamentarians, kings, queens, moguls, councilmen, lords or ladies, sheriffs, presidents, prime ministers, dictators, tyrants, despots, chiefs, candidates for office, celebrities, or other elites and idiots who do not afford the exact same Rights to us that they garner for themselves. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, Fortunes and our sacred Honor.


Where We Go One, We Go All.