That’s fucked up.
Ahhhhh. That sucker trying to act like it’s not big deal that he’s a loser!!!!! Hahahaha.
I’ll explain 5D chess for u confusedfaggots.
POTUS couldn’t sleep last night cus he knew something was on the burner for today.
By saying “watch the news”, he knew (((they))) would do everything possible to avoid giving legitimacy to anything Qanon related.
Why did suckaturd go out of his way to say he’s not resigning after Q said he’s in the kill box?
Why does google refuse to publish 8chan links?
U saw the disinfo attach when Roseanne mentioned us
POTUS avoided a ff today by giving us that warning last night.
Think about the game in terms of staying ahead of the opponent.
I’ve always figured someone’s password.
I hate the history stories on these free mason cucks. Can’t we just get a CUCK stamp for these twats, burn them at the stake and move on.
Wtf? Hour long. Sum it up semen. Get straight to the wad shot.
Amen. Thank you sir.