Muh Index predicted this.
Lou MF Dobbs Sean Hanniruptus
That Was FAST - New Max CAP 3.87M
Lets' grab that 4 be the 1st to post and win famefaggotry!
poast Max CAP you've seen
>I know you know Oprah knows too!
I might be a dick about it at times but it's only because I love collecting historic CAPs.
>Anyone get a cap of 4 million??
We made such a big deal out of the Clean 2M that Jack's being a douche and not letting us have any more of those.
Refresh 1, then Refresh 2
Nah, he wasn't fucking with things.
Luckily another Anon grabbed the 2M.
BTW another Anon please poast your Clean 2M I forgot to save it.