Qteam, could yall take out the prune already so I dont have to look at those eyebags anymore. They seriously nauseate me.
Trade fight mounts as Trump threatens $100 billion more in China tariffs
https:// mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN1HC1RW?
Teen arrested in connection with 8-year-old's drive by shooting death
https:// www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/amp/Teen-arrested-in-connection-with-8-year-old-s-12810954.php?
wasnt there some mathematical post earlier in the day about Y? 5+5+5+5=20 or something like that. I just skimmed it.
I'ma bit tired of that face myself
I honestly had never heard of this man until I came to this board 6 months ago. Why does what he thinks matter so much?
Jay-Z: Trump Forcing Us to โTalk About Why White Men are So Privileged in this Countryโ
http:// www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2018/04/05/jay-z-trump-forcing-us-talk-white-men-privileged-country/amp/
Wouldnt it be mortifying to find out after this is all over that you called POTUS an ugly name or told him kys because you thought you were speaking to a average anon?
Those poor Boers in SA
that same desk