How (((they))) interpret this Q drop:
>We can do whatever (((we))) want based on OUR religious/party/racial lines and anyone who says different is a divisionfag!!!!!! (muh shekelz)
How Patriots define this:
>You are a Patriot if you do not allow your own religiou/party/racial attitude to take precedence over anything that will help our country be the way it should be (pre-(((NWO))) subversion days). All efforts to subvert this and take advantage will be considered treasonous and are considered hostile.
Now, watch carefully who says what. Especially the so-called 'patriotic' (((jews/sandniggers/minorities))) when presented with this irrefutable claim that runs contrary to (((their))) racial/religious/party interests.
>Light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be.
Carry on, good anons.