>>9129645 pb
When April showers
They come your way
They bring the flowers
ThatBOOMin May
So if it's raining
Have no regrets
It isn't raining rain you know
It's a harvest of violets
Symbolism will be their downfall
>>9129645 pb
When April showers
They come your way
They bring the flowers
ThatBOOMin May
So if it's raining
Have no regrets
It isn't raining rain you know
It's a harvest of violets
Symbolism will be their downfall
The Seventh Ray is the ray of change. It is the ray of surprise and the unexpected. It is the ray of magic and transmutation. It is the violet ray and the ray of the Violet Flame.
Expect the unexpected with Seventh Ray people. They like to see the world from different perspectives, viewpoints, and even places. They aren't explorers in the true sense, they are more observers of the world and of people.
They have courage. They have the courage to change and the courage to leap into the unknown. A leap of faith occurs quite naturally to them. They are quite serious people, with a touch of whimsy. Expect the unexpected even here.
They are open to change, both in their external world and internal self. They don't have rigid thinking or beliefs. Their motto might be, ‘Just because you knew me yesterday, don't think you know me today.’
On the negative side, they can be off-balance within themselves, never quite managing to find a stable foundation. Their lesson is to find balance internally and externally while leaping from one tight rope to the next, just to see what the world is like from that perspective.
The Seventh Ray traits are tempered by their other rays, karma, past life patterns and lessons, personality, ancestral memory, education, beliefs, society, religion, life events, etc.
April Showers
When does a bird sing?
So keep on looking for a bluebird
And listening for its song
tweet, tweet
Here comes BettyBOOM
Listen to the blowing of theTRUMPs
April Showers