after all processed and convicted the shills will say "oh yeah, but no one ever got executed, ok…so epic fail" ; and if executed they will say it took too long and taxpayer dollars were wasted….like you had an mother-in-law named Karen
i will take OJ style on CNN with Judge Lance Ito!!! Andy Cooper on the stand and grilled by someone…. "and what that Mr Cooper!?!" (instead of Mr Fong)
they have "the foil" going on, so they are serious….(love that movie)
super cool digits and meme
nice slide on a double 41 digit,,,wait, I will read the rest… (reading) OK…OMG!! shut up…you are only 30. this has to be neo-classic faux fred putting me on report….too late….ate the bait…you caught me, coach
Ace of Spades
impressive if you were trying for it…..scary as fuck if not…..
when i am down in the dumps, and ready to jump…out a window…i think "what if i was mr schultz?" and then instantly feel better, like chicken soup
quads quad….fuck hillary writing her dissertation on him … chicago machine
why stop there? impeach 44/43/42/41: clean the slate
when i am the first to see it, then it is a room full of newz and normz….this is a good thing (yet understanding the cringe, stone statue)
domino effect…
you mean trip off the ladder handle, falling straight to the ground and end up with a spinal cord injury type of slide?
so the balls are not brass after all…but more like neutron star matter