Anons you are ready. I am just one of you, armed only with 30.montha of Q-corps training and a reckless enthusiasm for America. We are not being asked to charge into bayonets like our grandfathers, or storming a machine-gun laden beach like our fathers, but our mission is also crucial to winning the war over tyranny and evil.
What a strange weapon we have been trained to create and wield! With the meme, a simple picture with a simple message, will will attack the enemy by exposing the enemy through great truth hidden in ridicule and sarcasm. We have been taught their weak points… those words and phrases which will serve the dual purpose of distracting our enemies with anger and educating the citizenry of their many crimes.
Heady times, to be sure. Many of us wish this moment had occurred 2years ago. But were you as prepared 2 years ago? Did you know both sides' comms 2 year ago? Could you spin dank precision guided memes with the accuracy that you can now?
All has been building to this moment in history. The battlefield has been prepared. The enemy's battle plans are now known to us as our own. Yet our enemy still makes the crucial, fatal mistake of underestimating our will and our determination. They underestimate literally everything about our POTUS. This was necessary and did not happen overnight None of this did.
Fight well anons. Fight tirelessly. We have been given a job to do and we will do it until we have victory, so help us God.