N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is an inexpensive and easy to access over the counter supplement. It is the rate limiting chemical for the creation of our most powerful anti-oxidant glutathione (GSH). Think reduction in cytokine storm.
NAC by mouth or intravenously is used to reverse tylenol / paracetamol overdose. Think liver repair.
When nebulized, NAC is used to break up mucus in the lungs in cystic fibrosis. Think reduction in hypoxia and lung damage.
NAC also appears to have an anti-clotting effect. It appears that clotting is what causes death in those with COVID-19. Think prevention of multi-system organ failure.
N-acetylcysteine: A rapid review of the evidence for effectiveness in treating COVID-19
N-acetylcysteine reduces the size and activity of von Willebrand factor in human plasma and mice
N-acetylcysteine inhibits thrombosis in a murine model of myeloproliferative neoplasm
Potent Thrombolytic Effect of N-Acetylcysteine on Arterial Thrombi
NAC in COVID19 - Trial pending