Question is:
Will the sheriff protect the citizens from the CityPD?
OctoQuads Beckon Response
The benevolent parent will hide bleach and ammonia from children, as they are unprepared to manage the knowledge.
Powerful truths must be kept secret from those who, in their ignorance, would harm selves/others.
As all of warfare is deception, both good and evil must use secrecy.
The difference is the motive.
Love, or Fear.
What does your gut tell you?
I was told by a "successful" businessman to have your own business and run it all in the red, never showing assets as positive, so that there would be less risk of having it taken from you.
Anything seem odd about that to you?
I live in a blue splotch on a red state.
Democrat mentality has hobbled the ppl here, with only way to thrive is serving coolaid and fucking the living shit out of anyone you come in contact with.
Everyone seems skittish, that I have seen, being lots of death reported, lots of sick and old ppl in population.
We didn't know the doctors had sold us out, and most lined up to get handouts and drugs.
My City is too Wounded to be part of the fight.
All small business suffers maximum extortion and cannot survive the continued shutdown that the rest of the city is demanding in their communist ignorance.
It Is Shameful, and my bright eyes and healthy gaunt is universally hated.