Anonymous ID: c9f5b3 May 12, 2020, 6:35 a.m. No.9138674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8707 >>8729 >>8921

It is the practice of the Secret Societies, guided by an unseen lizard hand, to create wars and provide both sides an army for hire and/or an arsenal. War is profit.


1800 A.D.

In 1836, the 'League of the Just' is another one of the Secret Societies begun by a Mason.



It is the first Society that Karl Marx joins. He is directed and guided towards the concept of a One World Order, a euphemism for a totalitarian rule by the lizards. While he is a member of the League, he writes the Communist Manifesto.


The 'League of the Just' becomes the 'Communist League'. Communism declares that everyone is equal, that no one owns anything, that everyone shares equally from a community pool of goods but that the first step to this ideal state must be a political dictatorship. (This is justification for a total control by the lizard Empire.)


The Round Table, a secret society patterned after Freemasonry, was established by Cecil Rhodes, a diamond and gold mining magnate. (Rhodes scholarships are named for him) His altruistic ideas for assisting the masses are changed by his cronies on the Round Table to become methods by which masses can be manipulated.



The Round Table becomes a central gathering for powerful organizations such as the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, numerous J.P. Morgan associations, virtually all Rockefeller organizations, etc. In the United States, a newly formed 'Council on Foreign Relations' becomes the working front for the Round Table.


1900 A.D.

Houston Stewart Chamberlain writes the Foundation of the Nineteenth Century, a work suggesting that Germany is easily the best nation suited to bring about manifestation of a New Order in Europe. Emperor Wilhelm Kaiser of Germany endorses the work, his efforts to establish 'Aryan Supremacy' begin.


The manipulation of the Secret Societies continues by an unseen lizard hand. An assassin from the Black Hand Society of central Europe, murders Austrian Archduke Ferdinand. The incident sparks the beginning of World War I.


Jacob Schiff, an American citizen linked to the powerful German Houses and the Rothschild family, finances the effort known as the Bolshevik Revolution. Lenin is given his start on the world stage. It is 1917.

Anonymous ID: c9f5b3 May 12, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.9139102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As the President's contingency continued to watch, from seemingly nowhere, a door opened in the closest disk and an intimidating figure moved forward.

The grey Being is nearly six feet tall. His head is an oddity, it is very large and possesses two large black eyes that dominate his face. His nose is large, his mouth, ears and chin disproportionately small.


As he moves forward, he reaches into a small box on his chest. He removes something from the box and with a simple gesture, begins to communicate with the President's party.


The Being identifies himself as KRLL, an emissary from another planet. KRLL advises the President that his people have been watching Earth for quite some time. Though their race cannot comprehend our animalistic behavior, they are, nonetheless, impressed with human beings.


KRLL explains to the President that they are impressed, astounded, with the genetic make-up of humans. Humans are hardy and surprisingly adaptable. In addition, they are an extraordinary species capable of living and breathing in an atmosphere composed primarily of nitrogen, a poisonous gas.


KRLL has been instructed by his people to come to Earth and examine human beings, returning with samples of genetic cellular material. In exchange, he is authorized to offer flying disk technology and disintegration light weaponry to the leadership of Earth. It is their hope to identify and isolate the genetic cellular materials which may help their own race become stronger.



KRLL continues, explaining that they come from a dying world and hope to integrate both our genetic materials and theirs to create a hybrid race which will allow them to endure.


The President is horrified. It is inconceivable to him that he could permit human beings to be dissected…for any reason! He immediately refuses the offer.

The tall alien responds. He assures the President that no harm will come to any human being examined. All individuals selected will undergo electronic 'nerve-disconnect'. They will feel no pain.



In addition, they will have their memories disconnected, thus preventing any trauma to their psyche. As further precaution, they will be implanted with 'screen memories', a technique which will mask any memories of the incident, creating the illusion that any memory that might resurface is just a dream.


Individuals selected for examination will be taken only under the most discreet situations, the major populace will not be aware of the abductions. Those who are removed will be returned to the same location they were taken from, they will have no memory of the event, only missing time.


The President is still unconvinced. Examination of any human being without their approval or knowledge seems to be a violation of their privacy and rights. He again refuses. His military advisers argue in favor of the Treaty. Debate and forced quiet arguments continue. Finally, one General makes a point that decides the issue. If the alien's offer is refused… how would Mankind prevent the abductions from occurring anyway?


The President can see no alternative.


He asks for one additional consideration to be part of the agreement: a group of human medical advisors will take part in every examination. They will observe all clinical procedures and will be given unrestricted access to any and all aspects of the abduction process. They will report any violations to both humans and aliens. Any such violations will terminate the Treaty. The alien agrees.



The pact is known as the Tri-lateral Treaty. It has an unparalleled impact on the affairs of the globe. On behalf of planet Earth, the President of the United States, undeniably the most powerful man in world affairs, has extended an invitation for the lizards, now known as the 'GREYS', to participate in our world's development.


The lizard Empire is legally present on Earth! None of the principals in world government have memories of earlier arrangements. A handful become part of the hidden SHETI or ISHETU government (the 'shadow government').


The President requests the formation of an alien supervisory board. Some reports list its name as MJ-12, others assign it a different name. Its task is to monitor all the abductions and report back to the President.


Two underground bases are planned. The first will be a large facility for United States military to use to develop and become familiar with UFO technology and weaponry. This base is built below a gunnery range north of Las Vegas.



It is variously called Area 51 and Dreamland. The second base is built utilizing the caverns under the Four Corners area, near a small town called Dulce

Anonymous ID: c9f5b3 May 12, 2020, 7:21 a.m. No.9139178   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Money is needed to finance the development of the newly acquired weaponry and UFO technology, the so-called 'Black' projects.



The 'shadow government' influences the President and those whose minds have been sanitized. They argue that the public must not be told of the alien contact, the panic that would ensue would be disastrous, particularly if they were to find out the aliens were uncontrollable. Funds for the 'Black Ops' must not come from taxation, they must come from undetectable sources…and the amounts needed would be vast in quantity.


The 'shadow government' has no desire to see the 'Black Ops' succeed, but it has no qualms in making a profit. The 'shadow government' principals suggest turning to an 'ally' of the United States in World War II… the Mafia. Though a minor protest is made by some high officials, the Mafia is once again the partner of Uncle Sam. The mobster lords are quick to suggest an arrangement… in illegal drugs.


The first phase of the operation concentrates on existing fields of poppy in Turkey. The Mafia will be responsible for bringing the drugs to the waters outside the coastlines of the United States. The CIA will bring the illegal drugs into the country.


The Mafia finds a young Greek shipping magnate who will bring their contraband in his ships to American seas. This young man becomes a tycoon. He is Aristotle Onassis.


The CIA utilizes the talents of an Irish bootlegger, a man who has Mafia connections and is experienced in moving 'booty' from small boats at sea to 'friendly' longshoremen on the docks. From there they are transported on trucks to all major cities. This man is Joseph P. Kennedy.


The drugs begin to flow, huge amounts of money is split up between the Mafia and the CIA. Black Ops is funded, the 'shadow government' holds the reins. Government officials, now connected to the Mafia, can be black-mailed and easily controlled… or eliminated.


The drug operations are extremely lucrative, but Black Ops needs more money, and the 'shadow government' simply is greedy and wants more money. The 'Golden Triangle ' of the far-east is targeted. The French have recently lost a high cost war. Without their presence, planes can be flown into the fields of Cambodia and Viet Nam, drug smuggling begins.



The success of the drug trade increases, greater numbers of air flights is too difficult to hide, a cover is needed.


The Gulf of Tonkin is contrived to provide a reason for war. War demands air flights into the distressed area.


Drugs from the Far East (Cambodia-Viet Nam) are brought in by Air America, a CIA front. The Viet Nam war is a drug smuggling front. Body bags are packed with drugs, soldiers are hooked so that a market will be exist for the payloads. Viet Nam provides the product and the users.


Black Ops funding increases, the 'shadow government' is not satisfied, they want more profit. The official government continues to get in deeper and deeper.

South America is a bounty of drugs. The previous phase which used smugglers is put into use again. The drug lords of Central and South America bring their cargoes to a small oil company in the Gulf of Mexico.



Oil platforms which had been sending nominal amounts of crude oil in barrels nearly double the number of barrels they send into the U.S. Crude oil occupies only half of the barrels, drugs are stored in the others. The most successful operation centers around a young oil company called Zapata Oil. Its young CEO makes a name for himself. The operation is so successful the young man becomes intimate with the CIA. He is present in Dallas on November 22, 1963. He advises the FBI, previous to the fateful day, of a 'possible problem' in the persona of Lee Harvey Oswald, who may be potential threat to JFK.



The CIA link becomes so strong that in time he is appointed to the Directorship. The young CEO is named George Bush. (George Bush is actually a second cousin to the Queen of England.)


'Black Ops' and 'Drug Ops' have become one and the same… the Mafia and the CIA are indistinguishable… the United States Government and the 'Shadow Government' are enmeshed.

Anonymous ID: c9f5b3 May 12, 2020, 7:29 a.m. No.9139280   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In between "worlds"

The reptilian and other entities, which are manipulating our world by possessing "human" bodies, operate in frequencies between the Third and Fourth densities.



These are referred to as "hidden spaces and planes unknown to man", in the apparently ancient Emerald Tablets, which I quote from in "Children of the Matrix". For simplicity, I refer to this "between world" in my books as the lower fourth dimension.


It is from here that they police our vibrational prison - the Matrix - and seek to addict and restrict us to the dense physical senses. This world was once far less dense than it is today and the "fall" down the frequencies, caused by the manipulation of incarnate consciousness and DNA infiltration, has made it so much more difficult to maintain a multi-dimensional connection while in physical form.



We are now in a cycle of change when the vibration of this "world" will be raised out of dense physicality and return to where it once was. In doing so, the reptilians’ ability to manipulate our physical form will be removed and this is why they are in such a panic at this time to prevent this shift from opening the vibrational prison door.


The reptilians and other manipulating entities exist only just outside the frequency range of our physical senses. Their own physical form has broken down and they can no longer re-produce. Thus they have sought to infiltrate human form and so use that to exist and control in this dimension.



They chose the Earth for this infiltration because it most resembles in vibration the locations from which they originate. These reptilians are addicted to the dense physical "world" and the sensations it offers and they have no desire to advance higher.



Their aim in this period is to stop the Earth and incarnate humanity from making the shift from dense physical prison into multi-dimensional paradise.



[From what I understand, this dense physical world is caught in a manufactured time "loop", in which "time" is a circle, constantly repeating itself. Note that one of the ancient symbols for "infinity" is the snake swallowing its own tail. The pentagram or five-pointed star, so prevalent in Satanism, is also symbolic of this unbroken "time" cycle, the vibrational prison.


The period we are now experiencing has, therefore, been played out before. We are just at that point again in the repeating circle or cycle, like a rat running on one of those wheels in a cage.



No matter how fast it runs, it keeps covering the same ground.



What we need to do is break the "time" circle and thus the prison. We are now in that part of the circle that is most vulnerable to this because of the vibrational changes taking place in this part of the Universe and this is why the control of humans has tightened so rapidly in this period - they are doing everything they can to defend their prison from the awakening of the inmates