After listening to DR DOLORES CAHILL’s video - –
It is apparent that FAUCI, GATES, the MSM and others, are outright lying to us. Of course Anons knew this.
TheyKNOWINGLYtell us that self-isolation and wearing of mask is for our benefit, when in actuality it may bolster latent (dormant) viruses within our bodies, mask-wearing reduces O2 to the wearer, and it decreases your immune system. Being locked down actually enhances poverty, mental illness,.
Dr Cahill also says that only3 viruses require mask: TB, Small Pox, and Ebola.These are transferred by droplet, whereas COVID 19 is not.
Covid 19 has an approx. 10 day life span. By the time we were shut down in March, Covid’s run thru had already surpassed that point in America. Throughout our lives, we are constantly exposed to viruses and bacteria. Some live dormantly in our bodies, some are promptly removed. Many of us have already been exposed to Covid at some point and once exposed ARE IMMUNE FOR LIFE.It is WELL KNOWN in immunity circles that you can boost your own immunity hrough proper diet, and healthy doses of Vitamin C,D and Zinc,and we can reduce or eliminate our chances getting severely sick with Covid.
HCQ has a half life of 3 weeks. Meaning one pill will more than cover you for the 10 day life span of the virus. 2 pills will absolutely cover you. HCQ costs 10 cents per pill and is mass produced worldwide. No need for a vaccine.
Once you are exposed to it and recover you are IMMUNE FOR LIFE. NO VACCINE NEEDED. EVER.
MSM is announcing “new cases”, when in actuality with the antibody testing currently being performed, they are announcing the number of people that have the antibodies and are IMMUNE FOR LIFE. New cases do NOT mean they are active carriers, it means they tested positive for the antibodies.
HCQ costs 10 cents per pill and is over produced worldwide. HCQ along with a Zpack and Zinc will eliminate Covid.
Which leads me today’s Dr Fauci’s testimony on Capitol Hill today. Is this how they formally catch Fauci and others, due to their directKNOWINGLYmis-information campaign?
If you haven't already, I highly suggest watching or at least LISTENING to Dr. Dolores Cahill's video. It's riveting. She outright says everything going on is a lie and goes against community norms.