This ain't gonna wake no sheepies.
This ain't gonna wake no sheepies.
Mike Braun of Indiana no mask
It's my understanding that we will know when the rain starts. So if you're asking that, I'm guessing not.
Braun, Rand Paul, Collins
Why the fuck would I care if there is a treatment to send my kids back to school
There's no treatment for flu ffs
Same here, have a freshman in high-school starting, 20k tuition, if its online or remote i ain't paying. We will do some free online bullshit.
The way they repeat themselves over and over and over and whine and complain is so fucking faggot.
Dr. Fauci, why did you at one time tout the effectiveness of HCQ but now you say it is not effective?
Dr. Fauci, how do you feel about a goat and a fruit testing positive for covid19?
Yep. And that he raped a 13 year old.
I kept telling normies yesterday that 2016 was calling and the failed narratives needed them back.
Dr. Fauci, will you take the vaccine if one is developed?
Dr. Fauci, did you fire Dr. Judy Mikovitz and why?
Dr. Fauci, why did you ignore the evidence that there were some patients who had AIDS that did not have the HIV virus?
Dr. Fauci, you claim to be an expert on viruses and spent most of your career studying AIDS. Did you study the other strains of the HIV virus and the diseases they caused, such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Dr. Fauci, if you test positive for covid19, will you request to be put on a ventilator according to CDC treatment guidelines?
Dr. Fauci, can you enlighten us as to why taxpayer money was sent to the Wuhan laboratory in Wuhan, China?
Dr. Fauci, millions of folks get the flu every year and testing is not required to attend school or go to work. Why are you supporting covid19 testing to reopen schools and businesses?
Dr. Fauci, if masks help mitigate the spread of the virus, would it not be safe to open up completely if masks are worn? If social distancing prevents the spread, is there a need for masks?
Dr. Fauci, with a mortality rate greater than 80+% of covid patients who are put on ventilators, do you still support the idea that ventilators should be part of the treatment guidelines?
Rand Paul BASED
In that book about Fauci, the author said Fauci CANT STAND to be questioned by others