Peru Recommends Ivermectin as a substitute for Hydroxychloroquine
There is a readily available drug which works well against early and mid-stage COVID infection. You can even buy it (cheap) from Amazon for your horses, although the FDA specifically warns against humans taking the packaging of the drug being sold for animals. Obviously humans have to be very careful scaling the dose from a 1250lb horse to a 170lb human, but otherwise, how can any risk compare with having to face the disease alone, with no effective antiviral? Although the FDA is aware of studies using the drug, it is not telling the public that Ivermectin is an apparently effective anti-COVID drug which has been approved by at least one other country (Peru) for use in COVID-19 therapy on an equivalent basis to HCQ. Ivermectin has been approved for use in humans for decades, being distributed for free by Merck in African and South American countries to fight parasitic diseases. It is approved in the USA to fight hair-lice in kids, and the same dose seems to be effective in COVID..
(link to FDA warning not to use: )
Source and background documents:
Official Peru Ministry of Health: