Anonymous ID: a65f39 May 12, 2020, 8:45 a.m. No.9140226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0260 >>0466 >>0751

Q team has control, it's so obvious. They control both sides, and we have been and are watching aMOVIE. The enemies walked into trap after trap after trap because Q team made it happen. We have a plethora of Q Proofs associated with dates, because it was part ofTHE PLAN. The Chinese Virus is obviously no different.


There is literally a benefit to Q team associated with every result of the pandemic.


“Social Distancing” : Zoom (digital video) congressional hearings… lots of different thoughts here

“No Travel” : Trapping bad guys.

“CV Task Force” : Show Fauci is scum, “HCQ” better than Rem, Trump on TV 2 hours almost every day to win bigger.

“CV Task Force / Trump Briefings” — Expose fake news, make fun of them, walk out, show he's THE BOSS.

“Shut down” : complete over exhaustion of governmental power, “unconstitutional”. e.g. Live in a city of 3MM+, have <5K cases, complete lock down, unemployment breaking people. “Normies even like wtf”.

“Media all wearing masks” : the fake news actors know this shit is fake too, they don’t have to hide smirks while asking these ridiculously dumb questions on live TV.

“CoronaVirus” : eventually shows that a faction of [Satanists] are willing to kill massive amounts of our frens for profit, big pharma is literally hiding obvious remedies/treatments and prescribing expensive prescription shit not to mention intubated people knowing all they needed was “HCQ”. In the end, the public will see they areEVIL, and it will be glorious.


#InvisibleEnemy + #ObamaGate



Anonymous ID: a65f39 May 12, 2020, 9:38 a.m. No.9140854   🗄️.is 🔗kun



[Their] Plan. But [Their] plans are directed from somewhere. Q Team knows exactly where those plans were directed from, and fully understood their comms long ago. Hence making their plans known to Q team by which Q team can plan a strategy to defeat said plan. "We Have It All".


You don't have to defeat the entire spider web, if you defeat the Director, and then direct the spider web to defeat itself, by following a plan which plays into Q Teams interests.


Or in Obama's case, you just replace the Director with someone who is loyal to your cause, and it doesn't matter what happens. Structure.