Looks like Anons are letting up.
Do not stop firing the MEMEs.
We have Unlimited Ammo.
No need to conserve AMMO.
Thank You. You an the MEME team are amazing.
We are ALL grateful!!
Thank you Bakers.
Thank you Notetakers.
Thank you Meme Makers.
Thank you NewsFags.
Thank you BoatFags.
Thank you PlaneFags.
Thank you SocialMfags.
Thank you Candle Stick Makers.
Thank you Anons.
We Love you, We Thank you.
Bless all you Patriots.
Remember ONLY Together DO WE WIN!
Together We Win!!
WRWY! Then, Now, Forever!!
Keep letting us know.
Make sure Anons
FIre NON STOP for 1 week.
We are only 3 days into this battle.